Chapter 28: Defeated

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I didn't want Drake blocking my view from the scum, no matter how much he wanted to protect me.

I stepped to the side of Drake, directly opposite the bitch Lucy, and stared into her evil eyes.

I thought to myself, Why? Why had she allowed herself to get into this mess? She was quite a pretty girl, so why get involved with a piece of scum and now be moments away from death? She could have been so much more...

But this was reality, and she had chosen her path. Now she would pay.

I tore off my dark wig, and this seemed to be the signal.

Immediately, everyone kicked into action.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Drake lunge for Dev at the same time as I lunged for Lucy.

She put her foot up to stop me, but I dodged around her sharp heel and began tearing at her hair.

Just a minute ago, I had been full on punching and killing big burly men in a second, and now I was going for a pure cat fight. Why didn't I just kill her?

Because I wanted to torture her slowly and painfully, like she had done to Drake. Except this time, I would kill her.

From my pure female rage, I had completely forgetting about the fact that I still had one of the plastic ropes in my pocket, and my necklace. I was furious that she had taken my Drake, tortured him and nearly killed him.

We rolled over and over - me on top, smashing her head against the concrete floor and pulling her hair, then her on top, tearing at my hair, then me, then her, then me, and then finally, we reached the concrete wall.

I was on top.

I finally thought enough was enough, and the time had come for her to die.

Miraculously, I had suddenly remembered about my necklace.

Smirking, I pulled her head up by her hair, and smashed it back against the wall. She screamed in agony, and went for me again. But I punched her nose before her nails could make any contact again, and as the blood started seeping from her nose, she stiffened underneath me, making herself an easy victim.

I pulled the chain off my neck, and held the sharp point of the sabre-tooth pendant just above her heart.

Where I held her neck still, she turned pale and icy, realising that death was upon her.

'Bitches go to hell,' I said in light, feathery, angle-like tone, but with a harsh note beneath.

Her eyes widened as I plunged the tooth pendant into her heart, killing her instantly.

Drake's POV

I punched; he punched; I punched; he punched. Exchanging punches like that began to bore me.

He kept muttering about how I would die, and he would stand over my dead body laughing. Then he would get Nicole and do unmentionable things to her while Lucy slowly killed her.

Instead of making me retreat and protect Nicole like he thought I would do (I knew Nicole would be safe after what she had obviously accomplished a moment ago upstairs - yes, I had heard), his harsh, sick words motivated me to hit him harder.

I sent a blow to his stomach, and adrenaline pumped through me.

It was strange - I hadn't felt this feeling for a while, but it felt good.

I grabbed his throat and sent him flying back against the stairs. I kept my hands locked around his throat, cutting off his air supply as I punched him wherever I could: his face, his stomach, his chest.

But then he said something that shocked me to the core.

'Nicole's been sleeping with every guy she could since she met you,' he choked out. 'She doesn't love you. The only reason she's here is because your bastard colleagues promised her a million pounds.'

I knew it wasn't true: who would be stupid enough to believe this pathetic little bastard? He was moments away from death, and only trying to diverse me so he could kill me.

In the second I had stopped beating him, he had managed to push me back onto the floor, and stand above me.

He began kicking me in my sides, and then fell on top of me, punching me in my stomach.

Suddenly, I felt a very sharp object enter my side, but I couldn't let anything stop me.

I had to kill Dev.

But he had the advantage right then.

Nicole's POV

I stood above Lucy, breathing heavy and smiling.

It was nearly over.

That was when I heard groans and the sound of flesh being pounded.

I spun around, and saw Drake on the floor; Dev was on top of him, snarling like a beast and pummeling him.

Rage tore through my body.

I flew towards him, and jumped onto Dev, sending him flying off of Drake. I had him below me, and began smashing his face in.

I scratched his face, making him snarl and groan.

I reached into my pocket for the last rope to kill him once and for all, but Dev smacked it out of my hand before I even got the whole thing out.

I had no weapons left to kill him.

In frustration, I brought my knee up and smashed his balls in, causing him to double up on the floor and groan.

But as his body bent, he sent a hard slap to my face, that stung as if a whole bunch of cold needles had been forced into my cheek.

Abruptly, I was wrenched off of Dev by a strong pair of hands and put on the floor.

I regained my thoughts and looked back, seeing Drake stood above Dev with a gun directed straight at the bastards' head. He must have got it from Lucy after I had jumped on Dev.

Drake pushed his foot into Dev's stomach, keeping him in place and spoke almost calmly to Dev. 'This has gotta end now, Dev. It's gone on for too long.' He clicked the gun into place and tightened his finger on the trigger.

'Oh and by the way, nobody hits my girl and gets away with it.'

Then he pulled the trigger. Everything was silent.

Then Drake dropped the gun onto the lifeless body, and ran to me, picking me up and hugging me close.

'It's over now, Nikki, it's over. It's okay, babe, we're gonna-' his words cut off as he stumbled and his eyes wandered.

That's when I noticed there was blood seeping out of a deep cut in Drake's side.

Dev must have stabbed him. Bastard.

I held him, and immediately began promising to get a doctor.

That was when I thought of something.

'Drake,' I quickly said, 'Did Dev or Lucy ever give you some kind of sleeping pill or anything?'

His blurred eyes looked confused for a moment, but then he nodded dizzily and pointed to a small bottle in the windowsill. I ran to it, and quickly got some down his throat.

Then I knew we had to go.

From my research, I knew exactly where the underground tunnel entrance was. I half carried Drake to the entrance, searching for the tiny secret button that would open the camouflaged entryway.

I felt a small button click under my hand, and a wide hole appeared in the wall. Quickly, I told Drake to climb in their and crawl through. I climbed in after him, securing the door back into place.

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