Chapter 12: Impossible

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I had to tell Drake about what I thought had to be done about this, even though I wasn't so sure myself yet.

But if it meant being with Drake, and him being with me, with no secrets between us, then I would do it. After all, if my boyfriend is a deadly secret agent, and I could be used as a threat, I want to at least be trained to fight people off.

He came over the next morning, looking totally hot in his usual tight black t-shirt, skinny jeans and sneakers.

Oh, how I loved that casual, but so sexy look on him, especially when it brings out the beautiful emerald green in his eyes, and flaunts the hard muscle on his stomach, chest and arms...

He gave me a heart warming smile, and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me full on the lips.

'Hey gorgeous. How's you this morning?' he asked, gazing at me.

'I'm fine,' I said dreamily. I always used to think that it was a load of bull when people fall in love, and when they look into each other's eyes, they totally forget about the world.

But that thought went right out the window when I met Drake. He was just so perfect!

'Oooh, that's good,' Drake said, taking my hand and pulling me through to the living room and sitting down on the comfy chairs I'd brought in from the kitchen earlier to replace my sofa.

I sat on his lap and locked my hands around his neck, gazing deeply into his eyes. At the back of my mind, I knew there was something that I had to ask him, but his eyes were so dreamy.

'Was everything okay after I left yesterday, babe?' he asked.

'Yeah, I went and ordered some new furniture, and talked to an interior designer,' I looked around my living room. 'I feel like a having a whole change in here.'

'That's good, and I'm really so-'

I put my finger to his lips, and shushed him. 'Don't say it. You don't need to apoligise, because you'vre already drove me mental with your apologies, thank you very much. I know you didn't mean to ruin my furniture, but that's fine, because it made me realise I needed a change anyway. I might even do my whole house, if I feel like it.'

He smiled at me, and kissed my forehead.

Now that my head wasn't fuzzy from gazing into Drake's smouldering green eyes, I remembered what I wanted to talk to him about.

'Drake...' I started off cautiously. I didn't know which way he was gonna take this, whether he was gonna smile that gorgeous smile of his and say, 'Hey, that's a great idea!', or have a dark look in his eye and say in a deep, dangerous voice 'No', and that be that.

'Yes, darling? What's the matter?' His hands ran through my hair, making my insides melt just at the gentle touch.

'Well, I was thinking about something earlier. You know, about us, and you being an agent and stuff.'

He stiffened a bit, and his hands froze where they were. I could just see in his eyes that had suddenly clouded over what he was thinking, and I could tell that he was thinking I wanted to break up with him or something. I didn't know how he could think that, because we're truly in love, and I wouldn't split up with him for the world.

He must have really thought that the whole agent business had scared me, and I didn't want to be seen with a killer.

Well, he was wrong then. I wouldn't care what he was - I would still love him.

'I get it, Nicole,' he said in a low voice. He sounded close to tears, but I couldn't see his eyes as he was now looking away. 'I knew it would be dangerous, and that's why I didn't want you to find out. I love you, Nikki, and I always will. But-'

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