Chapter 8: Agent

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Drake's green eyes met mine. But they weren't the normal, dazzling bright green that they had been earlier.

They were dull, worried, ashamed, and nervous. But he also looked a bit relieved.

Probably because I hadn't passed out on him, but if anything else happened too fast again, then I knew for definite that I would be fainting.

I was gawping at him, with wide, frightened eyes. What had he just done? Well, that's simple: he had just killed two big, burly men by sticking one of my kitchen knives in their hearts.

But why had he done it? Yeah, I know they had broken in, but won't you just normally get a baseball bat and beat them out of the house, and not actually kill them? Why had he killed them?

And how the hell and he survived, seeing as they had had guns when the first got in, and only left with a slight cut in his arm?

All these questions were fluttering around in my head, like a swarm of bees. But I didn't know how to answer them.

'It's okay, Nikki,' he said again, making me nervous.

'Why do you keep saying that?' I mumbled, only able to stare at him. I didn't want to look back through the doors and see all that blood, and death.

'Because it is - you don't have to be scared now,' Drake said, so calmly. 'I won't hurt you, if that's what you're wondering.'

I let out a slightly hysterical laugh. 'Hurt me? I know you won't hurt me,' I said, and he looked more relieved. But I was still scared stiff, and I couldn't move. I could only just stare at him, and try to figure out what on earth had just happened.

Then he obviously realised that he had totally scared me, and he spoke really calmly to me.

'Nicole, I didn't get to finish my sentence earlier, and, well, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to tell you. But after that fuck up,' he paused to swallow and take a breath. 'I need to tell you. I'm an agent, Nikki.'

'An... agent?' I asked stupidly.

'Yes, as in secret agent who kills the bad guys.'

Then everything made sense.

I remembered that when they first broke in, and Drake had taken a quick glance to see who it was, he had said that they must have followed him. So they must have been the bad guys that was making Drake's work so hectic lately.

Or maybe part of it, anyway.

And that's why he hadn't used a baseball bat, like any normal person, not that he was normal anyway. He had used knives to kill them.

And don't agents have like super hard training, that buffs them up so they can survive mostly everything? And get trained to fight off numerous amounts of people? So that's how he had survived.

So everything made sense now, and I felt so much better. But I was still standing there, staring at Drake.

I finally got my head together. 'I was wondering why you didn't just use a baseball bat, Drake.'

He lauged slightly, and then looked at me seriously. 'If you don't wanna be with me, because of this, I would totally understand. I wanted to tell you before, but I was scared that it would put you in danger, or you'd run away, or split up with me or something. Just tell me, and I'll leave.'

I grabbed his arm, then. 'No, Drake, I don't want you to go. I said earlier that whatever you are, it won't matter - I'll still love you. And the fact that you're an agent doesn't bother me, okay? I love you, no matter what you do. And I don't care if I'll be in danger. I don't care about anything, as long as I'm with you.'

He smiled at me, and hugged me, and I realised that I did love him, no matter what. He was my true love, and nothing could get in the way of that.

And I also realised that he must love me like that too, because he had just killed two men to keep me safe, and he had told me not to look because he knew I wouldn't wanna see all that chaos in there.

'I won't let anyone touch you, Nicole. If anybody even thinks about it, I will break every bone in their goddamn bodies, and make sure they'd regret every day in their lives.' I noticed Drake had clenched his jaw near the end of the sentence, and that really showed his true agent-side of him.

Why hadn't I realised sooner what he was?

Every clue was there, but I was so stupid that I didn't realise it. At least I knew the truth now, and that's what counts the most.

'I wouldn't ever tell you to go, anyway. And especially right now.' I said, smiling at the end.

'How come?' Drake asked.

I noticed that he looked so much more relieved now, and that the bright, dazzling green was back in his eyes. I looked towards the french doors, but didn't want to look in just yet.

'We need to clean this mess up.' I said, smirking at him.

He laughed slightly, and so did I.

Then he bent down and kissed me.

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