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Thomas' POV

After the showers we were led to a large cafeteria where there were probably sixty or more kids around our ages sitting at rows of tables that were set up. Minho led me to a table where Newt, Fry Pan and a few people I didn't know were at and I anxiously took my seat.

"Where are the girls?" I asked, turning to Newt.

He shrugged, a sad look crossing his features. "The guy in the front said they're still getting ready."

"I've tried talking to them again but neither of them are replying now." I mumbled watching the guy in front of the room, the same thin one that led us all to the showers. The anxiety in me continued to rise the longer we sat there without them.

"What do you think that means?" Newt asked me, shaking me from my thoughts.

"I don't know but I don't have a good feeling about it."

As soon as I stopped speaking the man in front turned towards the crowd. "Hello, everyone! Now, as most of you know we've been taking about fifteen of you at a time to the safe haven and now it's time to take the next group!"

There were loud cheers around us and all the gladers watched everyone react with varying expressions. None of us really understood what was happening but it seemed to be a good thing to be chosen. I still didn't know if I trusted this yet though.

"Alright, quiet down and I'll read off the lucky ones to join us in paradise!" The guy said. His lip quirked up in the corner and I was instantly reminded of a rat. Yes, rat man.

Rat man raised his arms to quiet everyone down and started listing off quite a few names. There were cheers and applause as the chosen ones made their way to the front of the room along with a collective groan from everyone else who hadn't been chosen. "Be patient, your time will come!" Rat man said with a small smile, leading the group out through the doors in the front of the room.

"Where are they taking them?" Minho asked one of the kids that was sitting across from us.

"There's a place that's been untouched by the flare. Fields of green grass and stuff like that. They're taking all of us there." The kid replied.

"Said we'll all be safe once and for all." The other one added in.

"Why can't they take everyone at once?" I asked the kid.

He shrugged before replying. "Don't have enough security to get us all out safely because this place is crawling with cranks."

"How are we safe here then?" Minho asked, glancing at me.

"That dude said the walls are like super thick and they got gates and stuff. I don't know man we've been here over a week and nothing's happened yet." The kid shrugged and grinned at his friend next to him.

I nodded and took another look around the large room. There were a lot of girls mixed in with everyone and it made me wonder about our girls once again.

"Where did all of you guys come from?" Minho asked, pulling my thoughts back to the kid in front of us.

"The maze, man. We all came from the maze."

The gladers all looked at each other, shocked by these new details.

"How many mazes were there?" I asked, breaking the silence that had draped over our tables.

"We don't know. That kid," he gestured to a smaller boy sitting by himself at a table by the wall, "has been here the longest from what we've heard. He might have answers for you."

"He hasn't been talking to anyone though. Not that we've seen." The other one added in. We all turned and looked at the kid who was holding something small in his hands, analyzing it.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now