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Thomas' POV

Time stood still. After we climbed to our feet everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Chase reacted quicker than I did, rushing to Minho's side to help Newt pat out the remaining flames. My eyes followed their progress as I leaned over Minho but I could only watch while I held Clara. Chase pressed his finger lightly against Minho's neck and let out a shaky breath.

"He's still breathing."

As soon as the words left his mouth Minho took in a staggering breath and his eyes fluttered open, taking in everything around him.

My eyes met Newt's briefly as Fry Pan joined us and helped Chase get Minho to his feet.

"What happened?" Minho asked, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

"You got struck by lightning." Newt replied, watching his friend carefully.

Minho grinned lightly, catching all of us by surprise, before he replied. "Cool."

Light chuckles filled the silence before another round of thunder rumbled above us.

"Let's bloody get inside then shall we?" Newt replied with a smirk before turning back towards the building.

We all followed as fast as we could with Newt's limp, Fry Pan and Chase basically supporting Minho and dragging him, and me brining up the rear with Clara. Rain started pounding down around us and I heard Minho let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"Couldn't have rained when I was on fire?"

Chase glanced at me over his shoulder and I nodded at him to keep on moving. My eyes flickered down to Clara as the cold rain dripped down her face. Hopefully there was something in the building that could get rid of her infection then all we'd need to worry about is our need for food and water. I rolled my eyes as I let the direness of our situation sink in and I felt the hopelessness crash into me once again. This only happened because Clara wasn't awake to give us the boost we needed.

I looked back up to realize Chase and Fry Pan were carrying Minho into the building and I'd be inside in just a matter of seconds. After everything we'd been through since we could see this building it almost seemed surreal to actually be inside.

There was an audible sigh of relief when the door shut behind me and we were all safe inside and away from the storm. Newt hobbled over to me and placed a hand on Clara's forehead; an immediate frown formed on his face in response.

"She's freezing."

My heart clinched at the despair in his voice and a wave of sadness flooded through me. When Newt was walking behind me through the desert and I was carrying Clara it was easier to imagine that she was mine and mine alone. I had nearly forgotten how much Newt loves her and how it would completely destroy him to lose her too. We were in the same ship when it came to her. His eyes flickered up to mine and we had a silent moment of understanding pass between us. He knew I'd keep her safe and I knew he'd do whatever it takes to save her. We were a team. There wasn't just one person for Clara, there was a group that all cared about her. My eyes quickly scanned the group and I noticed everyone watching us carefully. Well, aside from Aris. He was the only one who didn't know Clara, who didn't love her. Teresa was hovering close to him, her eyes focused on Clara. Fry Pan and Chase were still supporting Minho and even they were watching Clara. Most likely to make sure she was still breathing.

A loud screech made us all jump and a bright light filled the room. My heart started pounding in my chest when I looked around us. There were at least thirty cranks chained up throughout the room almost as if they were attack dogs guarding the place. They were all trying to escape their prisons and get to us but they couldn't move.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now