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A/N: Please pay attention to the italics in this one guys! There's some flashbacks and some telepathic talking and it might get confusing! :)

Clara's POV

My head rested on Newt's shoulder as I lay wedged between him and Chase. The sun had just started to set, giving me just enough light to see the helicopter nearing us. We were well hidden beneath the concrete slab we took shelter under all day so I didn't worry about waking anyone. They could all use the sleep. My eyes slowly followed the machine in the sky until it disappeared from sight once again. I let out a sigh of relief that we seemed to be off of Wicked's radar at least for the time being.

A light tap on my shoulder had me turning towards Chase and I smiled when my eyes met his. "You okay?" He whispered lightly, eyes probing mine.

"Yeah. You?" My voice was hoarse from the lack of water and I knew it'd only get worse.

He shrugged before glancing around our small group. "We don't have much water. And we don't have any food."

I rolled on my side so I was facing him. "We'll make it somewhere with food and water, I know it."

"And if we don't?"

"Optimism never has been your strong suit has it?" I grinned lightly at him when a smile appeared on his face.

"No, that was always you. You were always the hopeful one." His thumb gently traced my shirt over my shoulder as his eyes scanned the area where my wound was. "I'm sorry this happened to you. I was..." He took in a staggered breath. "I was supposed to protect you."

I grabbed his hand and shook my head at him. "No, Chase, it wasn't ever on you to do that. We're a team remember?"

"Mom and dad always told me to protect you, to watch over you. And I've failed you ever since we got to Wicked. I'm so sorry Clare Bear." A stray tear slid down his cheek and I quickly wiped it away with my thumb.

"Don't be. We'll be fine now. We'll get out of this, together."

He nodded and we both looked up as Thomas crawled out from under our hideout.

"See anything Tommy?" I still whispered and I found it miraculous he even heard me but soon enough his eyes found mine and he shook his head.

"Now might be a good time for us to go. We'll be harder to find at night and it'll be easier without the sun beating down on us." Thomas whispered back, glancing from Chase to me.

Chase nodded in reply, obviously agreeing with Thomas' idea.

"Okay, everyone wake up! We need to get going!" Thomas called out, glancing around the group. I shook Newt awake as Chase helped Minho to his feet. Chase grabbed my wrist and along with Thomas they were able to get me up.

It only took a couple of minutes to get everyone up and ready for the trek ahead of us.

"Where are we going?" Teresa's voice seemed small as she followed Thomas, her eyes watching her feet as she walked.

"I'm not sure there's an answer for that just yet." Thomas replied eyes focused ahead of us. I smirked when Teresa's head rose to meet the back of Thomas'.

"A lot of good that did." She grinned when he glanced at her, clearly remembering the last time she said that when we were in the glade.

I let out a laugh when Fry Pan's stomach grumbled from beside me. "What's so funny about starvation Clary?"

"Sorry Fry, it's funny that it's our cook who's hungry. That's all." I smiled a small smile at him and he easily returned it.

"I miss cooking. I miss eating too."

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now