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A/N: Sorry this one took so long to get posted! Keep an eye out for the italics in this one since there's a flashback as well as some telepathy going on.

Clara's POV

The ground beneath us continued to tremble from the aftershock of the blast. I grasped onto Chase's arm tightly trying to protect his body as more rocks continued to rain down on us. During the initial blast his head nailed the wall and he knocked himself unconscious and from what I could see, it's just me and him, isolated from everyone else. At first I could hear people shouting just outside of our rock enclosure but the dust made it impossible for me to speak and I only continued choking on the air around me. So, I gave up trying to communicate with anyone and just sank down beside Chase and made sure he didn't get any more damage.

My head throbbed in pain from the loud explosion and it dropped against the wall I leaned on. I closed my eyes just for a moment and quickly drifted off to sleep.

"He's coming, be quiet." Clara whispered to Chase as she pulled him down closer to her. She was crouched down behind the car eager for the beast to leave.

The crank slowly walked by them making terrible noises as he passed. Chase however, was eager to see a crank up close and climbed to his feet before the crank was completely by them. It turned towards him and let out a maniacal laugh before diving at him and trapping him beneath it's body. Chase started screaming and flailing beneath the crank in hopes to get out to no avail.

Clara made sure her presence wasn't known to the crank as she snuck up behind it quietly. She brought back the brick she found and nailed the crank in the head with it and watched as it slid off her brother. She quickly reached down and pulled Chase to his feet and the twins ran as fast as they could inside their house.

When Chase slammed the door behind them he quickly brought Clara in for a hug. "Thank you Clare Bear. You saved my life."

"If you weren't so stupid I wouldn't have to!" She pulled away from him as she scolded him and he found a broad grin stretching across his face. There were so many times she seemed more like his mom than his sister.

I woke with a start momentarily confused by my surroundings. When my eyes landed on Chase I remembered where I was. I took in a staggering breath as my eyes scanned the wall of rocks surrounding us. Thankfully, there looked to be a small gap between a few of the rocks and the space to where Tommy would be. If he's okay at least. Panic started building in my chest again as I thought about one of them being hurt but I shook it off, now wasn't the time to panic over something I wasn't even sure of.

I climbed to my feet, crouching so my head cleared the rocks above me, and made my way towards the gap in the rocks. My fingers glazed along the rocks trying to find a loose point to dig us out of here but the rocks didn't budge. I turned and scanned the area quickly to see if I could find a bigger gap only to find smaller ones instead. I sighed before turning back to the larger gap.

"What are we going to do Chase?" I whispered, finally having cleared the dust from my throat enough to speak. My eyes widened marginally as a thought popped into my head. I dug through some of the rocks by Chase hoping to find the bag that Brenda tossed between Tommy and me. I felt the cloth material and eagerly yanked it out from the rocks. Just one can would work. My fingers wrapped around the can of food and I quickly made my way back to the large gap. I scanned the wall of rocks wondering if it was even stable enough for what I planned on doing.

Before I put my plan into action I drug Chase to the far end of the wall just in case it didn't work out the way I hoped. When I returned to the wall I started relentlessly beating the can against the gap, hoping to get the rocks moving. After a few good whacks one of the large rocks fell out and created an even larger gap. Relief flooded through me as I realized my plan would most likely work and I'd be able to get Chase out.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now