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Thomas' POV

Everyone's eyes landed on me and I felt my cheeks heat as question after question popped into my head.

"What do you bloody mean they want to kill Tommy?" Newt asked, taking a step closer to me.

Jorge glanced at Brenda before his eyes landed on Aris. "You said this group B is your group? Where are they now?"

Aris shook his head before his eyes met mine. "I haven't seen them since we left the maze."

"What maze?" Jorge took a step towards Aris with Brenda following his every move.

Teresa's eyes frantically scanned the group around us and she took a step closer to Aris. I arched a brow wondering when those two became close but another more pressing thought popped into my head.

"What does my tattoo say?" My voice came out stronger than I thought it would and I regained the attention of Jorge and Brenda.

"To be killed by group B." Brenda replied, holding my gaze.

My heart started pounding in my chest and my eyes landed on Aris once again and I couldn't help but wonder if he was in on it. I subconsciously pulled Clara closer to me, gaining some comfort from her closeness.

Brenda broke the awkward silence in the room by approaching Aris with the machine. She arched a brow at him asking permission to scan the tattoo. He looked at Teresa before nodding to Brenda. She scanned his neck before calling out, "Subject B1 The Partner." She looked up to see Jorge return to the desk to mark it down.

Brenda turned to Teresa with her eyes full of curiosity. Teresa moved her hair and Brenda took in a sharp breath when she read the machine. She cleared her throat quietly before moving back up by Jorge. She whispered something to him and his eyes lit up as he looked from Aris to Teresa. "Interesting." He mumbled, his eyes meeting mine once again.

"What does hers say?"

I quickly turned to Aris as he took another step closer to Teresa; both of them anxious to hear what her tattoo said. There was no question in my mind now that something was going on between them. The way they moved to stay by one another, the way they seemed to speak with each other was just too much. Then something else hit me. Could they speak telepathically with each other?

I looked back at Jorge who was watching me closely. It seemed like he was debating whether or not to tell us.

"You never answered my question. What maze?" He glanced at Aris before his eyes met mine again.

Minho took a step closer to me before he spoke up, finally getting the guy to let go of his arm. "Why aren't you saying what her tattoo says?"

Jorge chuckled lightly. "That's not how this works amigo. How about someone answers my question before we release you back into the night with nothing but the clothes on your back." His eyes flickered to Clara. "And no medicine for the muchacha in your arms."

"It was an experiment that Wicked forced us into. We were stuck there for years before we escaped." Newt answered in one breath. His gaze focused on Jorge, pleading with him as his body was so close to me I could feel the anger radiating off of him. I understood why he was angry. We were starving, thirsty, exhausted, Clara desperately needed medicine and yet here we were, talking about things that didn't matter to him at the moment.

"See, was that so hard?" Jorge cracked a smile before his gaze dropped to Clara again. "Brenda, can you grab the C9-3 syringe in my bottom drawer?" He spoke quickly and quietly but with the amount of people in this small room his voice carried.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now