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Clara's POV

We stood in a circle watching Aris interact with the girls before he turned to us and started walking towards us with a bright smile on his face. "Guys, this is Harriet and this is Sonya." He gestured to the girls and we all nodded before introducing ourselves.

Harriet smiled at the pleasantries before turning towards the canyon, holding her fingers to her lips and whistling loudly. "Guys, it's okay! We're clear!" She yelled out, voice echoing through the deep canyon.

"Aris, you're lucky we didn't' shoot your dumbass." Sonya told him with a big smile.

My eyes scanned the surrounding area as several people stood up from behind rocks that were perched on top of the tall canyon, completely unseen before. There were at least twenty people surrounding the perimeter and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.

"My God, you're alive." Sonya gently placed her hands on Aris' cheeks with a wide smile before she stepped closer to me. She nodded to a large man made hole in the canyon where the road led with an arch in her brow. "You ready?"

I glanced at the boys before smiling back at her and nodding enthusiastically. "Alright, let's go."

With a nod she turned, her and Aris walking together to the large hole in the rock walls up ahead. "Where do you think they're taking us?"

Chase stepped up beside me, his shoulder bumping mine. "Think it's the Right Arm?"

My eyes flickered to the girls before landing on Thomas who was walking with Teresa. "Tommy, what do you think?"

He shrugged, eyes remaining on the girls leading us. "Hard telling. We just stay together and stay cautious."

As I nodded something over Thomas' shoulder caught my eye and my feet stopped in response. I placed my hand lightly on Brenda's shoulder as the pale girl started to pass me. "Brenda, are you alright?"

Her dim eyes met mine and I had to focus on keeping my facial expressions neutral to not cause a panic. She nodded slowly before Jorge approached us. "Clara, what's wrong?" His eyes turned to Brenda and widened. "Brenda, what is it?"

My eyes immediately flickered down her body looking for the source of injury. I noticed the tear in the bottom of her pant leg and quickly bent over.

"Clara, what's going on?"

I was too busy pulling up Brenda's pant leg to acknowledge Thomas, instead focusing on the angry red bite on Brenda's leg. There were black lines trailing up her leg nearly to her knee. My eyes met hers and I arched my brow at her, earning a nod in response. I slowly stood and rested my hands on Brenda's shoulders before turning to look at Thomas. "Nothing Tommy, she's fine."

She's been bitten.

I forced a smile on my face as the girls in group B looked at us, curiosity in their features. I couldn't have them knowing about Brenda, not yet. When I turned to Jorge I realized he already knew what had happened and why we were now covering it up. He knew the dangerousness of our situation.

"Everything all right?" Harriet asked, taking a step towards us.

"Oh yeah, she's fine." I smiled at them and started walking so the group would continue on as well. The girls didn't seem to know what was happening, turning back to the front and continuing on with Aris and now Teresa at their side. Brenda walked at the back with Jorge, following Minho, Thomas, Chase, Newt, and I as we all walked close together.

"When did that happen?" Thomas asked me, leaning closer as he spoke.

I shrugged and shook my head, thinking over everything that had happened on our way through the building. I gasped when my mind replayed the incident with the window. "The window. It got her when I went to pull her up, right before it fell." I frowned, glancing over my shoulder to look at the pale girl.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now