twenty four

449 7 21

 Thomas' POV

No. No, it can't be. I couldn't have heard it right. She has to be immune.

My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at Vince, desperately hoping he'd deny that it was her. It couldn't be. She had to be immune. I hadn't even considered it to be her...

Vince's face paled and he quickly looked away from Jansen and Ava.

"What? Got nothing to say now that I've spilled the big secret?" Ava looked around with a smirk on her face. "Oh no, and everyone heard me too." Her eyes locked on mine and the smirk disappeared. I had no idea what my expression looked like nor did I care but I had a feeling it wasn't welcoming as she took a step away from me.

"It can't be." Newt's voice was an airy whisper of doubt as he stood closer to me. "She has to be immune." His words echoed my own thoughts and I could almost feel his pain.

His voice was filled with despair and I wanted to comfort him, tell him that we would take care of her, but instead I stood rooted to my spot unseeing anything in front of me. My mouth was dry, my skin was sleek with sweat and my head pounded as the words repeated over and over. More than I've ever wanted anything in my life, I wanted to run to Clara and keep her safe from this world. And that was the only thing I couldn't do. I just had to trust that Chase would keep her safe even after knowing the truth. He was immune and she wasn't. I could feel my stomach churning as my fingers twitched towards the crates that kept them hidden. It would only take one moment of weakness for them to be pulled out of hiding and away from safety though. And that was a risk I couldn't take.

Jansen ran out of patience and angrily shoved Vince, breaking him, and myself, from the daze. "Tell us where she is!"

Vince kept his expression frozen as he stared back at Jansen and the two silently fumed, holding the other's gaze. It was easy to see how badly Vince wanted the man in front of him dead.

"What? You look like you have a problem." Jansen mumbled with a smug smirk on his face.

Vince lunged forward, headbutting Jansen right between the eyes. "You know my problem with you! I know what you've done to my daughter!" Vince struggled with the guard holding him, eyes in narrow slits focused on Jansen. "One day you will feel the pain you've put her through, I promise you that."

Jansen cleared his throat and shuffled backwards, quickly turning back towards Ava.

Ava turned her angered expression towards Teresa as she was brought forward and she smiled at the traitorous girl. "I'm glad you're safe."

"What the hell?" Fry Pan mumbled, stepping closer to Teresa. "Teresa?"

Newt finally pulled his distraught gaze off of Vince and turned to see what Fry Pan was talking about. "Wait, what's going on?" He asked as Ava rested her hand on Teresa's arm.

"She's with them."

The words were out of my mouth before I even realized it and although my gaze remained on Vince and Jansen I knew everyone was looking at me.

"Since when?" Minho replied instantly, unfazed by my lack of attention.

Ava moved to step into my line of sight, gaining Jansen and Vince's attention. "Teresa's always had an evolved form of appreciation of the greater good."

Jansen moved to Ava's side with a cocky smirk on his face. His beady eyes stared me down as he spoke and I could tell that he was well aware that I knew where Clara and Chase were. "Once we restored her memories it was only a matter of time. If Clara wasn't so selfish she would have done the same thing once we restored hers."

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now