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Thomas' POV

My eyes remained on rat man as he led the group to the door. I could feel Minho and Newt's eyes on me but I wasn't about to look away now. At the last second rat man's hand dipped into his jacket and quickly pulled back out with the card in hand. I grinned and broke my contact, finishing off the rest of my food. I looked up at Aris and he arched his brow. After giving him a subtle nod I returned my attention to the group of boys around me.

"What are you up to Tommy?" Newt asked, breaking me out of my trance.

"Nothing. Just a lot going on around us." I shrugged and he nodded in return, leaning across the table to continue his talk with Minho.

About twenty minutes passed by before rat man walked back into the room. He gestured for me to join him so I looked around at all of the gladers. "Let's go talk to rat man about this paradise so we'll actually know more about what's going on."

They nodded and joined me without question and for that, I was very thankful. When we reached the front of the room I noticed the two guards standing farther back talking to one another. This might be easier than I thought. When we got closer to him I noticed the slight swelling on his cheek along with the light bruise under his eye. I couldn't help but wonder who punched him.

I smiled lightly at rat man and right when he opened his mouth to speak I interrupted him. "When can we see the girls?"

His eyes squinted briefly and he was now glaring at me. "Thomas, I really expected more from you."

I shrugged before glancing at the guards over his shoulder. They were still occupied. I took in a deep breath knowing this was my chance. I pushed against rat man, hard, my hand immediately going to the inside of his jacket. Minho and Newt were already trying to pull me away but I had to get the card first. When the guards approached they wrapped their arms around mine and my right hand gripped rat man's shoulder so he wouldn't feel my left hand grab the card. I pulled it out of his jacket and my left hand wrapped around rat man's back. Before I even realized what was happening Aris moved swiftly past rat man and grabbed the card from my hand, disappearing into the rapidly growing crowd. I let the guards pull me away then but still put up a fight as they drug me and my friends back to our room.

The door slammed behind the guards and all of the gladers turned to me. "What the shuck is wrong with you Thomas?!" Minho yelled at me, throwing his hands up in the air.

I smirked as the grate below my bed moved and Aris pulled himself out from underneath the beds. He handed me the card, a grin plastered on his face.

"What's that for Tommy?" Newt glanced at Aris before turning his attention to me.

"Last night we watched two doctors push two tables into a room. The tables had bodies on them and one of the doctors was the one who walked by the window with Clara and Teresa. I think they're the ones that were on those tables and we have to find them." I held the card up and met each glader's gaze briefly. "I snatched this from rat man to find the girls."

"You think the girls were on the tables? What, you couldn't see them?" Newt asked nervously, his eyes shifting from me to Aris.

"There was a blanket over them but they were definitely still breathing." I replied to Newt before looking back at Minho. "Now, Aris said the same thing has been happening for weeks. Every night it's the same thing at the same time. Guys," I looked around at the group of boys around me, "we don't think anyone actually leaves here."

"You don't know that." Newt spoke up quickly, shaking his head agitated.

"You know there's a reason they won't let us see the girls. They're hiding something." I replied, my voice stronger than it had been a few minutes ago.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now