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Clara's POV

A hand wrapped around my arm and drug me along behind them but I was still focused on where Winston flew over the edge. I should have known we all wouldn't get through this alive but Winston and I had been through a lot together, I didn't think one crank would end it. My thoughts lingered on the night the grievers came into the glade where it was just Winston and I running for our lives together. Or the night right after Ben was banished and he promised he'd keep Thumper safe just because I wanted him to and then he gave me his torch so I'd feel better.

My heart clinched in pain and I could feel the steady stream of tears running down my face as my eyes finally focused ahead of us. Thomas was the one gripping my arm with Newt trailing right behind us holding my hand. Newt seemed just as shaken up as I was. My heart pounded erratically in my chest and my legs wobbled like jello as we continued running from the spot Winston lost his life. If it wasn't for Thomas' tight grip on my arm I definitely would have face planted on the uneven ground.

Winston's screams still rang in my ears as Thomas pulled us through the group to the front. We stopped when we reached a door and Thomas stepped forward to try to force it open. His grasp on my arm never loosened as he slammed his body into the door. I turned towards the rear of our group and noticed the cranks slowly getting closer. Their shrieks filled the air in excitement when they realized we had stopped.

"Tommy..." My voice was barely a whisper but I saw his head flip towards the cranks in anticipation. He grunted as he threw himself at the door once more and it finally broke open only to reveal about fifty or more cranks on the other side. He screamed out in surprise and pulled me away from the door. He sprinted down the hall opposite the group of cranks, hoping for an exit.

Since we were the closest to the door we were now at the back of the group with Minho and Chase at the front. Thomas pushed me to where I was in front of him as the cranks got closer and his hand remained on my arm. I glanced behind us only to be propelled forward even faster.

"Don't look back Clara, just keep going." Thomas' voice was urgent in my ear and I could sense the fear radiating off of him.

I nodded and my eyes landed on Newt just in front of us. He seemed to be struggling with the run now a little bit and I guessed it was because of the distance we were attempting with his bad leg. Thomas noticed too so he stepped in line directly behind Newt to catch him if he fell.

"In here!"

Minho's voice sounded farther away than I expected and my heart pounded in fear of us getting separated or worse with the cranks closing in. They had a door open and Minho was ushering the group in. Newt climbed through quickly and Minho nodded at me to go but since Thomas didn't let go of me, Minho ended up going through last. He screamed out as a crank grabbed a hold of him and in a flash Thomas and I were pulling at him and his clothes to pull him through. The door wedged open a bit further as we pulled and a few more cranks tried to push their way through. One grabbed my arm and pulled me closer as Minho wrapped his arms around me, trying to pull himself free. Thomas let go of Minho and pushed against the door, eliminating all of the cranks but the one that still held Minho. It's teeth dug into Minho's flesh as it clawed at my arm but with one final tug I pulled Minho away from him and Thomas slammed the door behind him. Thomas collapsed against the door, breathing heavily from the exertion spent trying to free Minho. Minho laid on the ground beside me as I frantically pulled his shirt away from his newly created wound.

"How's it look, Poke?" Minho's voice was low as his eyes studied me, waiting for an answer.

The bite barely broke skin; just enough to make him bleed and I felt myself sighing in relief. "Looks okay Monkey. I think you'll make it." I grinned at him and patted his shoulder before climbing back to my feet.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now