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A/N: Hiiiiii everyone!!! So, I just realized the actor I picked for Chase is Theo in Teen Wolf and he plays with Dylan in many scenes and I didn't connect those dots until recently. I knew Cody played Theo of course just didn't consider him playing opposite Dylan. Oops! lol! Of course Chase and Thomas are much closer than Stiles and Theo ;)

Clara's POV

My eyes focused on where the cranks were, as they steadily made their way closer to us. The halls were pitch black and we weren't even positive they could see us but they were definitely getting closer. My hand was squeezing Chase's so tight he most likely lost feeling in his but the fear of being alone was something I couldn't deal with right now. My free hand ran down the wall that we leaned on hoping for there to be a hole or something, anything, that could help us. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest I thought for sure the cranks would hear it and know where we were but thankfully, luckily, that didn't seem to be the case.

Chase took in a staggering breath beside me before he quietly leaned closer to me. "We might be able to wait them out. I don't think they know where we are yet."

It was then that we heard something, a new sound that we weren't familiar with yet. It almost sounded like someone was whispering...

"Rose took my nose I suppose."

A small gasp escaped my parted lips and I forced myself even farther onto the wall, trying to completely flatten my body. Chase squeezed my hand back twice, just as he used to when we were kids to let me know it'd be okay.

I bit down on my lip, drawing blood as I tried not to scream out at the loud pounding against the wall behind me. Tears streamed down my cheeks as Chase blocked the door. "Clara! Hey, it's okay. Just cover your ears like we talked about okay?" Chase whispered harshly, begging the girl to look up at him.

I clinched my eyes shut as tight as I could and brought my knees to my chest, a few light sobs escaping  in the process.

They were playing in their room when a loud crash sounded through the house followed by a moan that had become far too familiar to the young kids. Chase immediately jumped up to shut the door and narrowly missed the wild flailing of his mother's arms. She screamed bloody murder as she tried to get into their room and it was completely devastating for young Clara. Although they were the exact same age the twins seemed years apart as Chase was used to always looking after Clara. He had seen things she hadn't, witnessed the cruelty of their world whereas she was able to cling to her innocence. Until now. Now, she sat pressed up against their bedroom wall with her hands clamped over her ears trying as hard as she could to not hear the ravenous shrieks of their mother.

Chase managed to finally wedge their dresser in front of the door and dropped down beside Clara. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it twice, pulling her into his side. "It's okay. You're okay. She can't hurt us."

Her teary eyes met his and she took in quiet, staggering breaths. "But she wants to. She wants to hurt us." She let out a broken sob and Chase wrapped his arms around her, holding her as tight to him as possible.

"Rose took my nose. Rose took my nose. I want a nose. Rose took my nose."

The whispering was getting closer, edging towards us in the darkness and it pulled me out of my mind as more memories surfaced. Chills ran down my arms causing an involuntary shiver and Chase moved closer to me in response. The air seemed to get thicker as we waited to see what the crank would do and I found myself struggling for each breath. Each breath became more painful than the last as the suspense started to slowly raise my anxiety. If we remained here much longer I would most likely have a panic attack.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now