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Clara's POV

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I peeled my eyes open slowly as the steady beat of the machine next to me continued in sync with my heart. Everything seemed too bright and too quiet in the white room I was in. I looked around at the strange room, panic seeping in as I realized I didn't know where I was. The machine started accelerating as my heartbeat increased.

As I continued looking around the room the bright lights became too much and I had to close my eyes. My head pounded more and more with each passing second and when I realized why I nearly passed out. Memories danced behind my eyelids as I tried to hang on to my consciousness. All of them flooded into my mind and quickly became very overwhelming. My entire life passed quickly before my eyes and I quickly succumbed to the darkness.

"Come on Chase!" His deep voice echoed through our small house as I stood beside him, my hand grasping his tightly. I smiled up at my father as we waited, not so patiently, for my brother. "This boy, I swear." My father mumbled, smiling down at me. His large hand held mine easily as it was nearly three or four times larger than mine. He was really tall as I strained to look up at him and his curly hair hung down over his bright blue eyes.

"Chase!" I yelled up the stairs, wanting to be just like my father.

He chuckled as Chase finally came running down the stairs and smiled as he grabbed my father's other hand. "Where are we going?"

I started laughing as I saw my brother's holy smile as he had just lost his two front teeth.

"Shut up Clara!" He spat at me, leaning around father to stick his tongue out at me.

"Don't say that to her! And we're going to see your Aunt Ava." My father wrapped his arms around us and carried both of us out to the car; strapping us in quickly and running to the driver's side as he always did. It wasn't safe to be outside anymore.

I watched as we passed the deserted wasteland now surrounding our house in hopes this would be a peaceful car ride.

"Kids, don't look out the windows now okay?" My father's eyes met ours in the mirror and we both nodded in agreement. I looked down at my shoes, jumping slightly when Chase's hand wrapped around mine. My eyes met his and he smiled softly at me. It was times like these when it was easy to love my brother. I always felt so safe when I was with him. I saw movement behind him and my eyes wandered up. Chase squeezed my hand and forcefully pulled my chin down so I was looking at him again. He shook his head slightly telling me I didn't want to see what was outside. Maybe he was right, they never let me see outside before so for now I'd just have to trust him.

I opened my eyes again and immediately noticed how dark the room was. My eyes scanned the area around me, pausing on a figure across the room. I sighed in relief when I saw the long hair draped over the table. "Teresa?" I whispered in hopes that it was her.

She leaned up on the table but it was too dark for me to see her features. "Clara? Oh thank goodness you're awake! I was so worried they'd done something to you." She whispered quickly and I could hear the bit of panic in her hushed tone.

"How long have I been out?" I pulled myself into a sitting position ignoring the pain that shot through my body.

"I think it's been about three or four days now. They've done several tests on you so far." She pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her chin on her knees. "There's a younger guy that keeps coming in to check on you though."

"What does he look like?" My heart fluttered at this new information as I instantly thought of Chase. I hadn't seen him yet and I could only hope he was here with us.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now