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A/N: More italics in this one referring to a flashback :)


Thomas' POV

Heat. Hunger. Thirst. Exhaustion. Clara. All things that constantly keep circling through my head.

The sand is up to my shin again as we continue making our trek through what Jansen called the scorch. It's brutal. It's hard to walk in sand this tall and even with the sun down it's still really hot. It's not an easy journey anyway but without food and now without water it's nearly impossible. Not to mention I'm carrying Clara's unconscious body and have been carrying her for nearly seven hours now. Thankfully she's light. She's been out for about thirty four hours or more and the fear that she won't wake up again is nearly crippling. She has to wake up, she just has to. She randomly keeps trembling and we think it's her body trying to fight the infection. She has a fever, a pretty bad one now, and is covered in sweat yet has chills at the same time. Her hand keeps grabbing onto my coat as if she thinks I'll drop her or maybe it's just a reaction. I don't know why she keeps doing it but I wouldn't drop her.

"Doing okay Thomas?"

I glanced over my shoulder at Chase who had carried her the first twelve hours after she passed out.

"Yeah. I'll probably need a break soon though. Just to resituate her if nothing else." I nodded to Clara in my arms before looking back at Chase. He nodded in understanding, glancing around our exhausted group.

"We'll probably all need a break soon. Newt's leg is really making him struggle. Minho is helping him now but I don't know how much longer we'll be able to last. And with no water..." He let the sentence trail and I knew what he was saying. We finished the last of our water this morning, well, in theory the last drop went to Clara. I smirked when I thought back to Chase holding her up while I poured the water down her throat. It's not easy getting someone to drink when they're unconscious.

A light tugging on my arm caught my attention and my eyes immediately locked on Clara's pale face. Her shaky hands had a tight hold on my coat and her lips were parted slightly as she took small, rapid breaths. She was getting worse.

"Chase, we have to find something to get rid of the infection. I can't lose her." My voice trembled as I looked at him and he nodded, staring intently at her. He knew how I felt about her.

"She won't last much longer. None of us will." His voice quieted and he looked around at the others again. "Can you guys keep going or do we need to stop?" His voice carried on with the wind so everyone was able to hear him.

I turned and saw Minho practically dragging Newt with him, both of them looked completely defeated. Teresa was walking close to Aris with Fry Pan staggering not too far behind them.

"We can't stop or we won't be able to get back up." Minho yelled out, glancing at Newt before returning Chase's gaze.

"And we have to get Clara something to help her." Newt added with a distraught expression. I could tell how badly he wanted to be the one taking care of her but he couldn't. Not in the shape he was in.

"We'll be fine for a little longer." Aris called out on behalf of Teresa and Fry Pan, both of them nodding in agreement.

Chase returned his gaze to me then shrugged. "I can take her if you want me to." He held out his arms but I held Clara tighter to me. With her in this condition I couldn't let her go now.

"No, I got her. Can you move her up a little higher in my arms though?"

He pulled her closer to my shoulder and I resituated my arms beneath her, nodding at him that I was good. "Okay, let's go. We can make it to that building up ahead by dawn and maybe there's someone who can help us."

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now