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Thomas' POV

"Where are we going?" I asked Aris as we rounded yet another corner in the cramped vent.

"Right up here." He stopped and motioned for me to be quiet as I joined him. He was looking down through an opening in the vent that seemed to be over a room.

"Every night it's the same thing at the same time." Aris whispered as his eyes stayed on the floor below us.

I arched an eyebrow at him in question but the sound of approaching voices had me looking down again. A woman in a white lab coat appeared with a table that very clearly had a body on it. We couldn't see who the person was due to a white sheet that was placed over them but they were still breathing.

My breathing accelerated when I recognized the woman as the one who had led Clara and Teresa past the window. What if that was one of them?

The woman pulled out some kind of identification card and swiped it on a thing by the door, which then opened for her. She pulled the table in and another woman in a white lab coat followed her with a table of her own. I gasped and my eyes met Aris'.

"What does this mean?" I whispered to him as the door closed behind the women.

"I don't think anyone ever leaves here." Aris replied with a small shrug of his shoulders.

"How did you know about this place?"

A small grin appeared on his face before he looked back down through the opening. "I've been here for over three weeks and noticed that they don't really pay attention to us once we go to our rooms. So, I started doing some investigating of my own and I stumbled across them bringing a body in one night."

"And it's the same thing every night?"

He nodded in reply, his eyes on mine. "We need to see what's going on in there."

I nodded in agreement, a thought popping into my head. "You think rat man has one of those cards?"

Aris immediately began nodding. "This is the first night he hasn't walked in with them."

"I know what we can do. Every day they bring more people to the paradise or whatever right?" My brain was rapidly forming a plan and I could feel the excitement bubbling inside of me. If this worked I'd get Clara and Teresa back.

"Yeah, why?" Confusion flickered across his features briefly as he watched me with interest.

"So, tomorrow we'll go into the cafeteria like we did today?"

Recognition flashed across his features and he nodded.

"I have a plan to get the card." I nearly mumbled to him.

His face lit up in excitement and he looked back down through the opening as if he was waiting for the door to open. "Okay, I'll come by your room again tomorrow then."

Something occurred to me then and I found myself asking before I even realized it. "How did you know which room I was in anyway?"

He grinned again before replying. "I watched them take you there. You're right across the hall from me."

"Ah, that does make it pretty easy I guess."

"Those girls you're looking for, were they in your maze?" His tone was curious but my heart clinched in response as I thought about Clara and Teresa again and what they might be going through now.

"Yeah, they were. "

"They must be pretty special for you to push up against the guards like you did."

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now