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Thomas' POV

We thought it was bad when we could no longer see the aircraft with the Wicked soldiers, Ava Paige, Jansen, Minho, and Chase. It was so much worse when the sun rose and we could see the carnage the night left.

No one spoke for hours while we sifted through everything, trying to find supplies. I stayed close to Clara while Newt tried to avoid her after the fight they had. She nearly broke his nose trying to escape his hold and he completely freaked out after that. I ran a hand down my face tirelessly trying to shake the memory.

"Let go of me!" Clara reared back, finally breaking the hold Newt had on her. She flipped towards him with narrowed, tear filled eyes and angrily pushed him away from her. "This is your fault! If you had let me go I could have saved him!"

Newt's mouth dropped and he took a step towards her, hands visibly shaking at his sides. "Are you bloody insane? You know what they'd do to you if you got caught!" His face reddened as he took another step closer to her.

Before I realized it, my arms were wrapped around Clara, pulling her away from him. "You both need to calm down before you say or do something you regret." My voice was calm despite how tense the atmosphere was now.

"No! I'm tired of this, Clara! You have been constantly risking your life for nothing since this all started!" Newt's voice was loud and echoed through the camp, gaining everyone's attention.

"Hey, son, just calm down. Now isn't the time for this." Vince moved to intervene but Newt lashed out at him. He shoved him backwards and his narrowed eyes returned to Clara.

"We're the ones who save you! That's what we do now! When things get crazy our role is to save you, it's bloody ridiculous!"

"Hey, stop it!" Fry Pan moved in front of Newt and gently shoved him further away from Clara and I while I positioned myself in Newt's line of sight.

Clara's hands gripped the back of my shirt and I could nearly feel her rage as she stared him down over my shoulder.

"What has gotten in to you?" Vince asked Newt, studying him as he made his way over to us.

Newt shook his head and backed away from Fry Pan and everyone else trying to calm him down. "The only reason he's gone is because he risked himself for you! He's immune! He doesn't have to stay with us now but he wants to! For you!"


All eyes turned to me but mine were on Newt. I didn't care that he was one of my best friends, he was way out of line.

"The only reason he's gone is because you think you have to protect me! I can take care of myself!" Clara finally retaliated, stepping around me so she could see him better.

"Clara, come on, you don't want this. Let's just..."

She continued before I could finish.

"You know we're never going to see them again, right? After everything they've done for you, everything that Minho has done, you just let them go!" Her body trembled in anger but Newt didn't back down either.

Beads of sweat rolled down Newt's face as he stepped closer to us once again. "It would be suicide to go after them! Hell, you and Tommy are the only ones dumb enough to even try to go after them!"

"Hold him down."

Vince's words may have caused a temporary relief from the yelling but as soon as he lunged towards Newt with a small device things got interesting again.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now