twenty one

459 5 4

Clara's POV

All at once it seemed like nothing else mattered. Brenda lay on the ground, wrapped in Jorge's arms seemingly not a threat any longer.

"I guess we get to stay then." Thomas mumbled with a smirk, taking a step back to stand by Newt, no longer feeling the need to protect Brenda as all the guns were lowered.

My eyes were solely focused on my father's crystal blue ones as he looked from me back to Chase. He had changed so much over the years but still remained so familiar. His dark brown hair had lightened and grayed a bit over the years and it was hard to tell if that was age or the hard years he'd lived. My hand still held onto Chase's tightly as we both stared back at him, a ghost from our past. Without another thought he took the few remaining steps towards us and pulled us into him. He let out a laugh as his arms circled mine and Chase's shoulders and our chests were pressed against his in a firm hug. My arm wrapped around his back, as did Chase's.

"My kiddos. How...I can't..." He laughed again and I felt Chase squeeze my hand around dad's back. He pulled back to look at us with a broad smile on his wrinkle pressed face. He let out another laugh as tears pooled in his eyes. He released us and turned to me. He moved a hand up to cup my cheek and gently stroked right below my eye. "My Clare Bear is all grown up." A tear trailed down his cheek as I smiled back at him and he released me to turn to Chase. "And Chase. You have grown into quite a young man, son. Taking care of your sister have you? I knew you would." He smiled at Chase with a proud smile.


He looked up at Harriet over Thomas' shoulder and then frowned, realization creasing his features. He stumbled back and paled considerably and before I realized it Chase was pulling me into him and away from our father.

"What? What's happening?" I asked, turning to Chase.

Chase leaned closer to whisper in my ear. "He just remembered one of us isn't immune. Whoever it is won't be able to stay here."

My eyes widened and I looked up at Chase. "He knows which one of us..."

He moved his hands up to my shoulders and shook his head. "Doesn't matter. I'll leave if it's me, alright? Then you can get to the safe haven otherwise...I'm not leaving you."

"No, no, you can't leave!" My voice had risen slightly and we were so concentrated on each other we hadn't noticed the others join us. My hands moved up to grip Chase's arms and my eyes stared into his.

"Why would you leave?" Thomas spoke quietly, moving in beside Chase as Newt moved to stand next to me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "It'll all be okay love. We'll figure this out." He whispered softly, trying to calm me down.

My eyes flickered back to our father who was leaning over with his hands on his knees. Harriet and Sonya were both leaned over and talking to him but he was just staring down at the ground, contemplating what had to happen.

Teresa and Aris stood back talking amongst themselves while Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Fry Pan moved in closer to us to find out what was happening.

"What's going on? Why did he react like that?" Thomas asked, glancing back at our father who remained unmoving.

Chase ran a hand down his face and glanced at me. "One of us isn't immune. We don't know which one. I'm assuming Vince just remembered that and well...if it's only immunes allowed here then he has to know that one of us can't stay." He gestured between us and I felt Newt tense up beside me.

"You really don't know which one though?" Minho asked, wide eyes looking back and forth between Chase and me.

I shook my head, my eyes shifting to Chase. "No. Our mother wouldn't tell us. She said it wouldn't matter because we wouldn't ever be separated."

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now