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A/N: Friendly reminder that I'm trying to merge elements from the book and the movie in this so if something wasn't in the movie it was probably in the book ;)

Thomas' POV

My feet reacted quicker than the rest of me and I was sprinting towards the scream before I even realized it. I rounded the corner when a body, a much smaller body, collided into mine. We both hit the ground with a hard thud and by the time my eyes wandered up to the person there were arms wrapped around my neck. I didn't need to see the m to know who it was as my arms pulled her closer to me. She was shaking as I pulled us both to our feet and finally pulled back just enough to look down at her. I brushed the hair away from her face and her teary eyes met mine.

"Tommy." Her voice trembled but a small smile had found its way to her lips.

My eyes searched hers and only found happiness for the first time since we'd left the maze. I smiled lightly at her but no words came out. My hands gently held her arms and I only released her when the others joined us.

"Clara!" Chase eagerly pulled her into him as soon as his eyes landed on her. "Are you okay?" He held her face while he spoke to her and it was so intimate I almost wanted to turn away. Almost. I just got her back, there was no way I was turning away now. Besides, this wasn't the first time I'd seen the love between the twins.

She nodded at him, her small body curled into his. Another memory popped into my mind at that moment, one that made me smile.

"Clara, it's okay just jump down. I'll catch you." Chase stood below the tree with his arms out. He had a small smile on his face as he patiently stared up at her.

"No! It's too far down." Her voice was quiet as she stubbornly clung to the tree, refusing her brother's proposition.

"Come on Clara, it's okay. We won't let you get hurt." I added to Chase's plea in hopes it would make her come down.

She climbed up the tree after a stray cat and got scared once she saw how high up she was. She had no problem climbing up but coming down was proving to be completely different. Then again she was significantly smaller than us despite being the same age so it might be a lot scarier for her than it would be for us.

"No, Tommy! I can't jump down or you'll both fall down too. It's too high up." The last sentence was almost a whisper as her eyes focused on the ground below.

I sighed before climbing up the tree myself until I was perched on the branch beside her. "Climb down with me?" I offered her my hand and she accepted after a painful minute of consideration. I smiled a reassuring smile to her before pulling her closer to me. "Listen to me Clara, I can't climb down with you. I'll have to help you down to Chase. We won't let you fall though. I promise."

At first she hesitated but then she looked back down at Chase.

"I won't let you fall Clare Bear."

The sincerity in Chase's voice was just enough to convince her as she smiled back at me. "Okay. I'm ready Tommy."

I pulled her onto my lap and held her arms as I helped her slowly make her way down the tree. Once she was close enough I let go of her arms and she fell right into Chase's. She climbed to her feet and he wrapped her in a tight, reassuring hug.

"I told you I wouldn't let you fall."

My attention was brought back to the group before me and I noticed Newt was now hugging Clara, whispering something to her.

The loud pounding of footsteps rushing towards us had us all backing up. I immediately stepped in front of Clara and glanced behind me to see Chase and Minho step in line behind me. There was no way we were letting her go again.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now