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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the story but I just wanted to take a moment to introduce the actress I have selected for Clara (as seen in the pic above with "Chase") Sammy Hanratty!! I thought she looked perfect for the job and hopefully you guys agree :) Now, on to chapter nineteen!!


Clara's POV

My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat as blondie stepped closer to me with a wide smirk on his face.

"That's right. They're paying big, big money for you." He sat down on the arm of my chair and grinned down at me. "And I can't help but wonder, why?"

He gestured to the others that were still unconscious in their seats. "What makes you different from them?"

I shrugged and swallowed nervously. "I have no idea."

He studied me before nodding. "I'll make it part of the deal that they'll tell me when I hand you over to them, sound good to you?"

"The only problem with that plan is you won't make it that long to hand her over to them."

Blondie flipped around to face Chase with a scowl on his face. Chase narrowed his eyes at the man as the other blonde female sauntered over to me. She leaned in close and peered at my face with an arch in her brow. "What's so special about her?" Her face scrunched up when she said her and I found myself feeling hostile towards the blonde.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" My eyes narrowed at her as my tone came out laced with venom and I could see Chase exhale sharply as he watched our interaction. Apparently he didn't approve of my attitude.

The lady snorted and shook her head. "Seriously? You think you're in the position to give me attitude? We only have to hand you over alive, you get that right?"

I rolled my eyes at her and glanced at Brenda out of the corner of my eye to notice her staring at me with wide eyes. "You and everyone else that's ever taken me hostage."

She spun towards blondie and shrugged. "Do you believe this?"

He nodded with a smirk. "Yeah, I do actually. Jansen said she had a mouth on her."

I let out a sharp laugh and shook my head. "Nice, glad he at least warned you about me. Coward." I mumbled the last word and looked away from them and blondie walked over to join the female in front of me.

"Big talk from such a small girl. Something tells me you talk like this to hide your fear." He leaned in closer and grabbed the arm of my chair. "Your eyes tell the truth and right now they're screaming that you're terrified. Are you scared of us or scared to go back to Wicked?"

My eyes shifted to his and I held his gaze as I replied. "Maybe you're seeing your own fear reflected in my eyes because it sure as hell isn't mine."

"Wow." He nodded, impressed before turning back to Chase. "Okay, you must be the twin since you both have the same mouths. Am I right?"

Chase rolled his eyes with a grin. "Yeah, because it takes a rocket scientist to determine that we're twins. We look absolutely nothing alike."

Blondie let out a sharp laugh and shook his head before pulling his hand back and smacking Chase hard across the face. "Okay. Now, if you're both done smarting off to me then we can have a civilized conversation."

My wide eyes met Chase's and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as he stared back at me, blood dripping from his nose. He subtly shook his head and I nodded in return, time to let the man speak I suppose.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now