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A/N: Warning for language in this one!

Thomas' POV

"We have to go now!" I said, pulling the grate back once more. The sense of urgency drove my actions as I tried to get the gladers to understand.

"Tommy! Will you calm down a moment and tell us what you saw?" Newt nearly begged me, no doubt worried about Clara now.

"There's no time to explain you just have to trust me!" I gestured for them to climb down the vent and Aris went down first. "Follow Aris and we'll find the girls."

Newt glanced at Minho briefly before following Aris down the vent. I followed last, making sure the others all got through.

Once our feet hit the floor we started running. I didn't know where we were going but I knew we had to find the girls.

"Thomas! Come on, follow me!"

We all turned towards the voice and I immediately recognized the boy standing at the end of the hall. He had short brown hair and striking blue eyes that I would know anywhere. "Chase?" The name left my lips before I even realized it and he was eagerly nodding.

"Come on! They're coming!" He rounded the corner without waiting for us and I followed without hesitation.

A loud siren pierced the air and I found myself covering my ears from the loud noise. Chase hovered by a door leading into another hall, waiting for us. He was looking in through a little window on the door with a frightened expression.

Once we finally reached him he threw open the door and ran in. Newt wrapped a hand around my arm and pulled me back suddenly, exchanging a look with Minho as he did.

"Where are we going?"

"This is Clara's brother, Chase. We have to get out of here now, Newt. They're coming for us and the girls. We have to go." I pleaded that he would accept the answer as the alarm rang above us.


I turned towards the door Chase ran through as he yelled and wasted no time following him. Despite the current situation I found a big smile sliding across my face when I saw her in Chase's arms. The others piled in behind me, all chattering excitedly about finding her. Chase already began to drag her with him down the hall to another door and she easily kept up with him. When he reached the door he threw out an arm to stop her, as if she had a choice.

"What?" Her voice waivered and I felt my heart clinch. Was she hurt or just scared?

"Jansen. It's Jansen. We have to...we have to go." Chase quickly pulled her down a hall to the right and we all followed on his heels. I finally looked down and noticed the giant gun like thing she was carrying in her free hand and smirked to myself. She had broken out. She freed herself without our help and managed to get a weapon.

Chase brought us to another door and peered in with Clara hovering over his shoulder.

"Teresa! Chase, we have to get her!" Clara eagerly pushed open the door before Chase had a chance to react. He sighed, pulling Clara behind him and running into the room first. She pulled the large gun up and aimed it at the lady in the room. "Don't move!" She yelled out, surprising us all aside from Chase. He continued on to Teresa, unhooking several wires from her. I joined him a moment later, glancing at Clara as I passed her. She seemed different and I hoped the change was just temporary and not caused from something she went through here. Teresa wrapped an arm around my shoulder when I got to her and I gently pulled her from the table.

"Guys, we have company!" Minho yelled out, looking out the door.

Newt reacted quickly, flipping one of the tables in the room and shoving it in front of the door with Winston and Fry Pan's help.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now