twenty three

486 7 14

A/N: The POV switches in this one! RavenRusso this chapter is for you!

Clara's POV

The fire blazed and it seemed like nearly everyone was seated around it aside from us. We sat on a large slab of rock that overlooked the camp and from our perch we could easily see the whole camp.

My gaze seemed stuck on my father and Mary as they laughed and talked with one another. I couldn't get the last image of my mother out of my head as I watched them. She was beyond gone when Wicked finally took her from our home but that image has always remained with me. And now, looking at him, it didn't seem possible that our mother was ever sane.

"Are you alright love?"

I nodded absently, gaze unwavering. I just couldn't imagine him ever being with someone who wasn't my mom.

The others exchanged weary looks before Chase moved to sit right beside me. "I know what you're thinking about and it's not going to help anything. What happened to mother..." He paused and glanced at the others before lowering his voice. "It really happened, Clara. Nothing has changed just because he's alive. And nothing changes because he has Mary. Everything that happened-"

"Chase." I didn't want to interrupt him but I couldn't hear about our past any longer.

I didn't want to hear about my father with another woman when he was supposed to be with our mom. I didn't want to be reminded of how Chase and I were left with her when she started going crazy. I didn't want to think about the screams that shook our house at night while Chase tried to sing me to sleep with my hands clamped over my ears in his arms, doing anything to drown out her wails.

"I know. It's just hard seeing them together. I'm glad he's happy though." My voice remained steady as I spoke, giving the illusion that I was calm. In reality, I was freaking out. It almost felt as if everything I knew had been turned upside down. I had gotten used to not having either parent but now my father, who I was extremely close to, is alive and well and as it turns out, not sick. In fact, he can't even get sick. Chase or I can. This changes everything!

"Well, if you want to talk." Chase leaned against me and pulled my chin up to try to get me to look at him.

"I don't. Thanks." I replied quietly. I could tell he didn't want to drop it and the atmosphere around us was changing but I couldn't snap out of it. Not while he was alive and well and having a good time with another woman when he was supposed to be sick and gone like our mom.

"I wish Alby could've seen all this." Newt mumbled from beside me, pulling me from my dark thoughts.

"And Winston."

I finally pulled my gaze away from my father and looked at Minho. He looked right back at me with eyes full of understanding. We'd all lost loved ones to get here and it wouldn't get any easier. But, we did still have each other. And if we could stay together, we could get through this.

"And Chuck."

My heart clinched as Thomas said his name and I couldn't bring myself to pull my gaze off the ground, doing what I could not to cry.

"He'd be proud of you, Tommy." Newt told him, a small smile on his face.

Thomas blushed and nodded in return. "Yeah...thanks." His voice was low, quiet, as he replied and I knew exactly where his head was. His eyes shifted up to meet mine and we held each other's gaze until Fry Pan yelled out, "hey, Aris!"

I smirked and looked down at the fire once again to find Aris seated next to Sonya and Harriett. He turned his attention upwards, to us, and smiled. "Hey, guys!" He had the hood on his coat pulled up and it made him look like he was twelve.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now