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A/N: Mature content in this one!!!!

Clara's POV

We ran down yet another hallway, that'd been all we'd been doing since the incident with the window. It took me back to the days of running in the glade. I glanced over at Tommy and smirked realizing how far we've all come since his first day in the maze. He looked back at me and arched a brow, probably wondering why I was downright staring at him. I smiled and shook my head dismissing my thoughts, and returned my attention to where we were heading.

Brenda led us outside and once again it felt like we were physically being assaulted by the sun. We wandered through buildings with Brenda leading, Chase following second, and Thomas bringing up the rear. My eyes scanned every inch of every building looking for anything that might pop out at us or Newt. I was always looking for Newt... the sun was almost setting again and I couldn't believe how fast the days seemed to be going while we were out here. Did days normally pass by this quickly? My heart clinched again when I thought about how long it'd been since I last saw Newt. I missed absolutely everything about him. I found my mind wandering yet again to if they were okay or not and I was bumped out of my thoughts by Thomas. I looked up to find his eyes on me and a frown on his face.

You're being awfully quiet

I smiled lightly at him before bumping his shoulder and letting out a quiet sigh.

I miss them Tommy. I miss Newt and Minho. Can't help wondering if...

He quickly cut me off before my thoughts could lead down the path he knew they would.

You can't think that way Clara. They're fine and you know it. It's been a while since we've seen them so that's why you're feeling this way. That's all.

I nodded realizing he was right and I instantly felt foolish for even thinking that they might not be alright.

Thanks Tommy. Are we stopping to rest soon?

He nodded before he caught himself and glanced over at me.

Yeah, I'm sure we are. We'll find somewhere safe to sleep and before you know it we'll find the others.

Brenda turned then and looked between Tommy and I with a curiousness in her gaze. "Alright, well we should probably stop for the night. We're almost there anyway so we don't want to go in after dark." She led us to a truck, thankfully one that had a back seat, and we all climbed in. Thomas and Chase climbed in the front while Brenda and I took the back seat.

"Are you sure we'll be safe in here?" Chase asked, turning in the seat to see us.

Brenda shrugged, looking around outside. "We should be."

"That's reassuring." I mumbled with a smile on my face before looking around the truck we were in. I picked up a sack that was on the floor letting out a quiet squeal when a mouse ran out from under it. "Oh my God!"

Thomas and Chase both flipped around quickly while Brenda laughed. I narrowed my eyes at her and let out a sharp breath before sinking back in the seat. "It was a mouse, okay? Freaked me out."

Both boys grinned and Chase shook his head before leaning over the seat. "Well, I don't think the little mousey is going to hurt you Clara." He mocked me in the stupid baby voice he liked to use anytime he thought I acted childish.

I smacked the back of his head before leaning back against the seat. "I won't be able to sleep for a while now." My eyes met Thomas' and he smiled warmly at me.

Surviving the Scorch // Twins Series {Book Two}Where stories live. Discover now