Malum (1)

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For @jetmukeblues on tumblr for requesting this one. This is fetus Michael and today Calum as shown above :)

Michael's age is 16, Calum is 19


Michael had always been shy and a good listener. What really bothered him though, was when his best friend Luke went on and on about some kid named Ashton. Michael didn't really care about Ashton, he looked right past him and saw what he claimed to be a god standing there, and damn, he was hot.

Now, 'hot' wasn't usually a word Michael liked to use. He liked to use words like 'pretty' and 'cute' to describe something or someone. He liked everything to be pretty and cute, like the makeup he was shy about and never wore to school, or the panties he sometimes wore underneath his skinnies, but nobody had to know that.

"Michael," Luke groaned from next to him on the school bus in the morning. "What's with you? You always listen to me, and now you're zoning out," Luke frowned. He didn't know what had gotten into him; he was always up to listen to him gush about that Ashton kid. Michael usually only listened to hear about his really, may he say, hot friend, but he didn't even know his name, so that wasn't very helpful. "Michael, are you even listening to me?" Luke asked, snapping his fingers in front of Michael's face. Michael flinched and switched back to reality.

"What?" He asked quietly, adjusting his sweatshirt so the sleeves covered his hands.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked, more concerned for him now. Usually Michael wouldn't be zoning out when Luke was talking to him.

"M' fine," Michael shrugged. Luke opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it when he saw Michael didn't want to talk or be talked to, since he had turned to look out the window. Luke always let him have the window seat.

Michael's eyes flickered over the front court of the school when they pulled into the circle drive. He may or may not have been looking for that certain black haired, tattooed boy. He sighed in annoyance when he didn't find him, but he saw Ashton. Michael hit Luke's shoulder ever so gently, like the kitten he was, and pointed out the window to the curly haired lad.

"Isn't he so cute?!" Luke squealed, his eyes lighting up.

"His friend," Michael mumbled in reply, a deep blush creeping onto his cheeks when seeing Calum run up to Ashton from behind and scared him.

"Calum? The guy behind him with black hair?" Luke asked. Michael nodded, guessing that was his name, and went back to watching them converse. Ashton looked pissed off in a playful way at Calum since he scared him, but he thought the smirk on Calum's face was sexy.

The word 'sexy' was again a word he never used, but for some reason, it was okay to think that about Calum. He liked his name, too, how it sounded when mumbling his name only loud enough for himself to hear.

"You should go talk to him, I'm gonna hopefully be talking to Ashton anyways," Luke suggested, standing up and making sure he didn't hit his head on the ceiling (again, since yes, that has happened many times before). Michael shook his head. "Aww, why not? You should totally talk to him!"

"Too shy, boring," Michael sighed, standing up and following Luke off the bus and towards the other two boys.

Michael was scared that Calum was going to call him a freak or an even worse name, scared that Luke was going to somehow mess up when talking to Ashton and then Calum would hate him, scared that he might actually have to do some talking himself. He didn't want to talk, and he didn't want Calum to hate him or call him horrible names, so he would've rather just walked away. That wouldn't happen, though, since Luke was grinning and pulling him towards the other two. As they approached, Ashton and Calum stopped talking to look at them, and Michael swore Calum checked him out nonchalantly. Then he sighed because Calum was probably checking out Luke, everybody chose Luke over him.

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