Stubborn, but I'll Make It Work ~ Malum (SO FLUFFY)

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"So you're saying that you're okay with the fans seeing us making out?" Calum asks, his eyes wide in frustration. "Come on, Michael. Be serious. You know Ash would kill us if the fans take videos of that," he says, finally meeting Michael's eyes.

"I am being serious, Calum," Michael says, a small smile on his lips. "And hey, it's for a good cause."

"Us kissing is not for a good cause, us raising money is for a good cause," Calum shakes his head. "You're unbelievable."

"Well... Us kissing could motivate the fans to donate more money for those puppies and kittens at the animal shelter, so technically, kissing could be for a good cause," Michael says with a stupid little pout on his lips. "Come on, do it for the poor animals that don't have homes," he says quietly, eyes begging.

"Fine, you asshole. I'll kiss you on camera if the fans can raise $20,000," he says, and Michael frowns, because no, he said 15,000. Not 20,000.

"It was 15,000, Calum. You can't just change it to 20."

"I don't care. It's 20 or we're not kissing," Calum says stubbornly, and Michael sighs, but agrees. They go back to their hotel bed from the bathroom where they were talking and Michael puts the open laptop on his thighs.

"Alright, so if we get to $20,000, Cal and I will kiss for 15 seconds," Michael says, and he smiles watching the number of how much money they raised going up, and the fans in the comments going crazy. He reads out loud one of the comments, " 'Since you changed the amount to 20, you should kiss for 20.' "

"What? No," Calum says, leaning forwards and reading all of the other comments that were agreeing. He looks over at Michael, who grins and shrugs, and Calum scowls. "Michael Gordon, you are impossible," he grumbles. "Fine. We'll kiss for 20 seconds if we get to $20,000."

"Yes!" Michael cheers, and when Calum shoots him a look, he sheepishly grins and leans back into the bed. Michael just loves watching the number grow, and as soon as it reaches 18,000, he's suddenly nervous.

They've kissed before, but they were drunk and it was a dare. Now, it's going to be them kissing, on camera, completely sober and not on a dare. What if Calum thinks Michael's a bad kisser? What if Calum hates him because he came up with the idea for them to kiss? What if- no. Michael needs to stop panicking, because it's just a kiss. Just a normal kiss between two best friends, no big deal, right?

"Mikey, look, it's at 19,400," Calum says, nudging Michael's shoulder with his own. Michael nods and swallows the lump in his throat. It's terrifying to see the number go up by tens, and he's trembling by the time it gets to 20,000. It was his idea to kiss Calum, so why is he the one freaking out about it? "We made it," Calum grins, and Michael finally looks at him. Calum smiles at him comfortingly, he knows how Michael gets just before something important happens, like how he's never nervous for a show until the moment before they go onstage.

Michael realises that Calum's face is a lot closer to his now, and he can see every single shade of brown in Calum's pretty eyes, and he glances down at his lips for a second before meeting his eyes again.

"It's just 20 seconds," Michael whispers, mostly for his own benefit, and Calum nods. Calum's hands cup the sides of his face and they're closer yet, and Michael feels like crying because of how gentle and careful Calum is being. Then, Calum's eyes close and Michael's do a second after, and their lips lightly touch before Calum pulls Michael closer and they're kissing properly. Michael's counting in his head, but as soon as he gets to 9, he forgets about counting and focuses on kissing Calum better. He doesn't care about how long they're kissing anymore, and then he feels Calum's tongue prodding around his lips. Soon, it's just them making out gently (Michael isn't quite sure how, but it doesn't really matter), but then Michael pulls away quickly and looks at the laptop.

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