Friends ~ Lashton

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Luke looked himself over in the mirror and smiled. He knew Ashton liked when he wore his more feminine clothing like the sweater and thin skinny jeans he was wearing. Luke just loved wearing pretty things and Ashton just loved seeing him wearing pretty things. Luke made his hair a little bit tousled because Ashton told him it was sexy, and then he heard a car honk. Luke giggled and rushed outside, getting into Ashton's car.

"Hey Lukey," Ashton smiled at his best friend.

"Hi," Luke giggled a little bit. He liked when Ashton called him Lukey.

"Your hair looks nice," Ashton said, pulling out of Luke's driveway and going to his house. His house was just a few blocks down, but Ashton liked to drive Luke over so he didn't have to walk so much. It wasn't that far, but Ashton just liked to spoil him.

"You told me it looked sexy like this," Luke told him with a smile. Ashton pulled into his own driveway, almost laughing because Luke was so innocent and he was so oblivious. "Can we play FIFA?" Luke asked happily.

"We do every single time you come over," Ashton groaned.

"But I love FIFA," Luke pouted, giving Ashton his pretty blue whiney eyes. Ashton couldn't resist, Luke was pretty much his weakness.

"Fine," Ashton sighed. He always ended up letting Luke get or do whatever he wanted because Ashton was pretty much in love with the boy. He knew he shouldn't be so attached to his best friend like that, but Luke was too hard to resist.

Luke happily skipped into Ashton's house with the older boy following, but not skipping. Ashton thought he was so adorable when he was overly happy. Luke was standing just inside the doorway with a shocked expression.

"Kitty!" He cried. The little kitten jumped up at his voice.

"You have to be quiet so you don't scare her," Ashton told him, bending down and picking the little kitten up. "Her name's Nina."

Luke gasped with excitement at the name.

"Like the Ed Sheeran song!"

"Yeah, like the Ed Sheeran song," Ashton nodded. He knew Luke loved Ed Sheeran, so he decided to name his new kitten after the song called Nina. Ashton handed the younger boy the kitten, letting him coo and make little noises and pet her.

"She's so cute!" Luke giggled, handing her back to Ashton. Ashton gently set her on the ground, the two of them watching her play with a little cat toy. "FIFA now?" Luke asked with a grin.


Luke was asleep on the couch and in Ashton's lap with Nina curled up by his face. Ashton had one hand on Luke's thigh and the other on his tummy. Luke's eyes fluttered open after a while, sleepily smiling up at the older boy. He liked when Ashton held him when he fell asleep.

"Hi," he said, feeling the kitten get up and run off somewhere.

"You're so pretty, Lukey," Ashton murmured. Luke made a face and adjusted himself so he was more upright in Ashton's lap, nuzzling his face into Ashton's shirt. Luke loved the sweet scent of Ashton's body wash, it was comforting.

Ashton didn't know how Luke could be so oblivious. He was so in love with him and had such strong feelings for him, always complimenting him and touching him. Luke just didn't get it; he thought normal friends cuddled so closely and gave each other small touches. He thought normal friends were like the two of them, but that's usually not how normal friendships work.

Luke was a little bit childish and girly, and he knew that, but he didn't see anything wrong with it. He thought the kids at school were just joking around until he started getting beat up. That's when he realised that most people don't accept 17 year old boys to act a little girly and childish. Luke excluded himself from everybody else, soon finishing high school. Of corse he always had Ashton with him, but he was the only person besides him mum that he would talk to.

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