Malum ~ Goodbye.

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A/N: I decided to do a kind of sort of Halloween one shot. It's mostly the end few paragraphs that are Halloween-y, but I still like this one.
Trigger warning
Crying warning

ok continue on.

"Are you done yet?" Calum asked, leaning against the wall outside of the door to the bathroom.

"Almost, just wait," Michael's soft voice rang out from inside, where he was getting dressed. He just spent the night, getting away from his broken house. Michael frowned in the mirror, seeing his tank top not looking quite right on him. "Can you get my sweatshirt?" He asked Calum.

"Yeah, I'll be right back." The sound of his footsteps quieted as he walked to Calum's bedroom to get it. Michael pushed his back against the wall and slid down. Calum knocked on the door. "Mikey, I got it."

"Thanks," Michael mumbled, opening the door just enough to take it from his boyfriend's hand. He shut the door again and pulled the sweatshirt over his head, the sleeves going to his fingertips and the hood pulled up. He opened the door and stepped out, making Calum smile warmly at him.

"Wanna go walk?" Calum asked, lacing their hands together. Michael nodded, silently following Calum out of the door to walk down the sidewalks around their neighbourhood. "What's wrong, kitten?" Calum asked, looking at Michael's sad expression.

"Nothing, 'm fine."

"That face says that you aren't. What is wrong? Why are you sad?"

"'m not sad. 'm just not happy."

"Why is that, kitten?"

"Parents fought again last night," Michael sighed, reaching a hand up to adjust his hood over his face. Calum frowned. Michael shouldn't have to deal with his parent's crap all the time.

"I'm sorry," Calum squeezed his hand gently. Michael cracked a small smile when seeing them approach the playground they met at as little kids. "Remember this?" Michael nodded, pulling his hand away to swing on the swing set. He sat down nervously. He was going to tell Calum about what his parents said about him when they thought he wasn't listening.



"Do you think I-I'm a waste of time and money?" He asked quietly, lip quivering.

"No, kitten, not at all! Who said you were?" Calum frowned.

"It's my p-parents..."

"Babe, don't listen to them, they have no clue what they're talking about." Calum motioned for Michael to sit on his lap, so he did, gingerly. "You're so light." Calum kissed Michael's cheek.

"No I'm not," he mumbled, hoping that he wasn't hurting Calum's legs.

"What else do your parents tell you? I want you to get it all out, okay? You can cry, yell, or even hit me, it's okay. Just let it all out."

"I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm an accident, I'm stupid since I dropped out of school, I should be dead, I'm-" Michael's voice cracked. Tears fell down his face. "I never should've been born in the first place, I can't do anything right, I'm just a good for nothing waste of space."

"I love you."

"I eat too much, I don't smile enough, nobody likes me," Michael continued, then stopped.

"I love you," Calum repeated, pressing his lips softly to Michael's. "You're smart, you aren't a mistake, and you're so beautiful. I want you to promise me something, kitten."


"I want you to promise that you'll never believe what they tell you, because it's not true. Promise?"

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