i still can't believe how you look next to me ~ Muke

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Luke messily scribbles notes down on his notebook of staff paper, his fountain pen gliding across the paper and never missing a single thing that Luke's brain was thinking. Luke pulls his hand back and reads over the notes, humming the melody he wrote as he reads it. He's satisfied as to how it sounds in his brain, but he's not quite sure if it'll sound good on his expensive violin. He sets down the fountain pen and picks up the wooden instrument and bow, playing through what he had written on the paper. The beautiful sounds just flow from his violin, almost effortlessly, and he's happy with how it sounds.

It'll only be a few days at the most before he'll be playing his new songs on stage in front of hundreds of people, he has concerts quite often. It's his favourite thing to do, play his violin for people who care about his favourite genre of music, classical. To Luke, it's almost like hip hop and pop and rock and all of those other genres don't exist; he only listens to classical music.

Luke is so wrapped up in his music that he doesn't notice the doorbell ringing, and when he does, he's frowning in annoyance and setting down his expensive instrument to go look through the little hole in his apartment door. It's his stupid neighbour, Michael, who he hates just because Michael wears those stupid band t-shirts and he blasts their stupid music. Even Luke can hear the way too heavy sounds of rock a few doors down.

Luke opens the door and stares expectantly at Michael, his face unamused and annoyed.

"Hi, Luke," Michael says with an annoyingly happy smile. Luke doesn't respond, he doesn't say much anyways. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place for dinner tonight, you've been really successful lately and I thought we could celebrate a bit," Michael says, leaning on the doorframe.

"Do you even listen to my music?" Luke asks, his voice sharp. Michael shakes his head.

"No, but you've been in the paper a lot."

"Do you even read the paper?" Luke asks, still not amused.

"No, but my mom does and she called me this morning saying that I should go talk to you," Michael explains, and Luke rolls his eyes.

"Go away, Michael, I'm not going with you," Luke says, and proceeds to shut the door in the boy's face. He can hear Michael's protests through the door, but he locks it and goes back to his spot in the living room with his violin. He picks it up and starts playing whatever comes to mind; he's not quite sure what it is but it seems a little familiar to him. It sounds like something that his dad would've played in the garage when Luke was a kid, before his dad left. Luke pulls the bow away from the strings and furrows his eyebrows, he's so confused as to what he's playing and why he remembers it. There's lyrics, he knows, but he only knows a few words.

Where are you? And I'm so sorry.

That's all Luke knows, and he puts the bow to the strings again and plays that line over and over again until the next line comes.

I cannot sleep, cannot dream tonight.

Luke can't think anymore. He doesn't know what song it is and he has no idea why he knows it. It sounds like something that could be either rock or pop, he's not quite sure, but he recognises it and it's driving him crazy.

Maybe Michael knows the song...

Luke sets the violin down and rushes back to his door, opening it up and seeing Michael close his own door behind him, and Luke grabs his keys before walking to Michael's apartment and ringing the bell.

"Oh, so you've decided to join me?" Michael asks with a smile. Luke shakes his head, frowning in confusion at the stupid lyrics replaying in his head.

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