So In Love ~ Malum

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Not smut, but Malum is my favourite thing ever. I might do a second part where there is smut :)

Michael loved pretty things.

Not necessarily just pretty clothes that he wore, but simple things like cute tumblr and Instagram posts. Once he put fairy lights up around his room and took a perfect picture, but when he tried to turn them off, they were stuck on the strobe setting and it looked like a disco in his room. He posted that on tumblr too, and someone made a joke that it was a panic at the disco. While he was amused, he was angry that he had to cut the cord on the lights and throw them away, because really, he didn't want a disco in his room all the time.

Sometimes people made fun of him for his pretty things, but he just liked to ignore them.

Calum thought his boyfriend was so adorable. How could he not, though? The boy loved things to be perfect and pretty, the two 'p words' that existed in their shared little house. Michael had insisted that the house was perfect when they bought it, telling him softly that the oldish look to it made it feel like home to him. Calum couldn't disagree, because yeah, the house was perfect.

Michael was wearing his favourite pair of skinny jeans and his favourite light pink sweater when he left to go to work, which was a candy store (obviously, he was like a little kid when it came to sweets). Michael loved the sweet scent of the shop, and he liked the candy inside of it (again, obviously).

Calum took off of work that day to make sure everything was perfect, but he didn't tell that to Michael. He wanted it to be a surprise, so he didn't say anything. Michael was under the impression that Calum was going to work, too. Calum spent the whole day cleaning the house to perfection, and then about an hour before Michael would get home, he set up the candles around the house and lit every single one. They made a path leading to the comfy family room where Calum then waited patiently.

Michael said the small goodbye to his coworker, Luke, before heading out and walking down the pretty downtown streets to get to his little house. Michael always loved coming home after work on Fridays because him and Calum always cuddled and watched something on TV or a movie together. Michael unlocked the red front door, stepping inside and slipping his converse off.

"Calum?" He called softly into the house, seeing the lights off and a bunch of candles lining either side of the hallway. The house was dark aside from the candles lighting the one hallway he needed to get where Calum was, but he didn't know that. "Cal? Where are you?" When not getting an answer, he tentatively walked the path made of candles to the family room. He gasped and covered his mouth with a sleeve covered hand.

Calum was standing in the middle of the room holding a small plate with a candle and a small box on it, smiling. The candle illuminated the soft smile on his face perfectly, reminding Michael of an angel.

"Calum," Michael whispered. He was taken aback that Calum would go through so much trouble just to make him happy. He noticed that Calum was wearing his usual black skinny jeans, but he wasn't wearing a band tank top. He was wearing a white button up shirt and a black jacket over it. Michael looked him up and down, taking in how beautiful his boyfriend looked.

"Mikey," Calum started softly, "We've known each other for the longest time, we have always been best friends, and then more. I can't remember a time when you weren't here for me or when I wasn't there for you, we've always been together," he said. Michael nodded for him to go on, a shy blush coating his cheeks. "I was just wondering... Will you, Michael Gordon Clifford, marry me?"

Calum got down on one knee and set the plate down on the table next to him, picking up the little box and opening it to hold the diamond ring out to Michael.

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