Enemies? ~ Muke

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dedicated to Girl_Almighty1245 for requesting this! Thank you so much Emma, you are literally the best person in the world :)

Michael sucked in a breath and sprinted into the burning building, calling out for anybody inside.

"Here! Over here, help me!" A woman's voice shouted, and Michael sprinted towards the voice. There was a woman sitting in the corner farthest away from the fire, crying. Michael picked her up, sprinting towards the door again, but flames engulfed the exit.

"Just hang in there, miss, okay?" Michael asked, and the woman whimpered and nodded. Michael turned towards the window on the second level, kicking it to break it.

"Do you need me to fly you to the bottom?" A teasing and gruff voice asked, and Michael knew exactly who it was. Dr. Fluke, the town's stupid hero.

"I can do this just fine myself," Michael shouted back, of course in his fake rough voice just in case anybody recognised him. He jumped out of the window with the woman still in his arms, and quickly shapeshifted into a mattress. The woman in his arms screamed, and he caught her, setting her down on the ground and shapeshifting back into his superhero form. "What's your name, miss?"

"Emma," the woman said before Michael kissed her cheek took off running, shapeshifting into a bird to fly to the window. He landed on the frame, watching his superhero enemy cough and wheeze from the smoke. Michael shapeshifted into an old lady and coughed, making himself stumble and fall to the floor, right in front of where the fire was creeping towards him. He wanted Dr. Fluke to 'save' him, see how good he actually was.

"I am so sorry," Dr. Fluke apologised, running to his side and picking him up. "I didn't see you, why didn't you call out for me? I'm so sorry."

Michael recognised that voice anywhere. Luke Hemmings, his best friend in the whole entire world.

"Luke?" Michael asked, but since he was an old lady, his voice sounded like an old lady's.

"Don't tell anybody, okay? Just stay calm, I'm gonna get you out of here. Are you hurt or anything?" Luke asked. Michael shook his head.

"Take me to your house, please," Michael's raspy old lady voice begged, and Luke reluctantly agreed. "Thank you so much, young man."

"No problem, you ready?" Luke asked, and Michael nodded. Luke adjusted Michael in his arms before jumping out of the window and flying to his house. It was only a few minutes away, but Luke had to take a long route to avoid anybody seeing where he lived. Sure enough, exactly like Michael suspected, it was in fact Luke Hemming's house.

"Can I have a glass of water please?" Michael asked, and Luke nodded, setting him on the couch and going to the kitchen. Michael shapeshifted from an old lady to his normal self, relaxing on the couch like he normally would.

Luke walked back into the living room, confusion on his face when seeing Michael on the couch.

"Michael?" Luke asked, and he gasped when he realised that he was still in his superhero costume. "Shit, don't tell anyone it's me!" Luke begged. Michael shrugged. "Where's the old woman that I brought here?" He asked, trusting Michael enough to hope that he won't tell anyone.

"This old woman?" Michael asked, shapeshifting into the old lady again. Luke gasped again, his free hand flying over his mouth.

"Mike-Ro-Wave? Are you serious?" Luke's jaw dropped in shock. "You never told me?"

"You never told me either, you little bitch," Michael snapped, shifting into a snake.

"Fucking hell, stop doing that," Luke rushed out, backing away and setting the glass of water on a close table. Michael slithered closer to his friend, sliding in between his legs and then hissing. Luke closed his eyes, trying not to show his fear. Michael laughed and shifted into his superhero self again, standing closer to Luke than he actually meant to. Luke opened his eyes, staring into Michael's. "Fuck, Mikey, you're so hot," Luke whispered, and Michael found himself blushing, why was he blushing?

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