i told myself i'm tired of holding up your backup plans

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It's painful, watching Ashton drum his whole entire fucking heart out and sweat like crazy, it's hot and Luke's surprised he can still play guitar and watch Ashton at the same time. This is the one time he's thankful for practicing the same song over and over again; at shows his fingers just know what to do and he can zone off. It's muscle memory.

But then Ashton looks back at Luke and smirks just the slightest, and Luke's done. His fingers fumble on the fretboard and he stumbles back to his microphone, his cheeks having a new flush of red as he starts singing his part. He's not quite sure what's more embarrassing, the fact that Ashton made him mess up like that or the fact that he messed up like that in front of a few thousand people.

Luke finishes his singing part and pulls away from the mic, suddenly sweating even more and shaking a little. It's almost like the temperature jumped a few hundred degrees but Luke knows he's just freaking out again. Ashton makes him feel like this and it's not fair. The thing they've had going for a month or so makes Luke crumble at just the thought of it, and it gets even worse if Ashton is particularly but yet subtly more sexy. Like tonight.

As soon as the show is over and the final bow is done, Luke rushes off stage and does his best to avoid Ashton. When he gets to the dressing room, he leans against the wall above his stuff and catches his breath. It's tiring, trying to avoid Ashton, because he's always around. They're on a world tour together, it's impossible to avoid him completely, but he does his best.

"Trying to run away from me isn't working, Lu, haven't you figured this out before?"

"You try to embarrass me in front of the fans, it's not nice," Luke says, trying to calm his shaking voice. "What if they find out about us?"

"What do you mean, about us? They ship us together anyways," Ashton chuckles, and Luke blushes, looking down. He well knows that fans ship them together, sometimes he'll get Twitter messages from fans with links to lashton fanfiction (he totally does not read them, no way). "And it's not like we've had sex or anything, it's really just making out whenever we have the chance."

And ouch, that hurt just a little bit. But Luke chooses to ignore what Ashton said and he pulls his shirt and jeans off to change into a sweatshirt and sweatpants. He feels Ashton's hands on his hips when he bends down to put his dirty clothes into the growing bag of stuff that needs washing, and he tries to hide his shaking hands when he stands back up.

"I can't wait to get my hands on you when we get back to the hotel," Ashton growls in his ear before walking away as Michael and Calum enter the dressing room, discussing some anime that Michael made Calum watch. Luke's absolutely fucking shook.


"Make me mess up one more time on stage and I swear to god I will-" Luke started to say as they enter their shared hotel room, but he's cut off by Ashton's lips meeting his in a harsh kiss. Ashton pulls back just enough to look each other in the eyes.

"You'll what, Luke?" Ashton taunts, and Luke's knees almost collapse as he kisses him hard again. Ashton grabs Luke's thighs and picks him up, dropping him on one of the beds a few seconds later. "I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure that I'm the one in charge, here, Luke. You can't order me around."

"Ash, please," Luke whispers, he's so turned on by Ashton being all dominant and in charge, he never knew he liked to hear Ashton like this before.

"Please what?" Ashton asks, his eyes going up and down Luke's body a few times. Luke can tell that Ashton's hard, his length is painfully obvious in the front of his jeans, and Luke's glad that they're both thinking the same things, it would be awkward if Luke wanted sex and Ashton just wanted a cuddle. "Please what, Luke?" Ashton repeats.

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