Pikachu Onesie ~ Malum (fluff)

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Michael stared at Calum with a small blush on his face, watching the older boy as he bit his lip in concentration and repeatedly hit buttons on his video game controller. Calum cursed and scrunched up his face, dropping on the controller on the ground in frustration. He turned and saw Michael giggling quietly, and his expression softened.

"This game pisses me off," Calum muttered, but he was smiling. Michael was so cute sitting on Calum's bed in his Pikachu onesie. Michael blushed at his gaze on him, turning his attention to his fingers and playing with them. "You're so adorable, Mikey," Calum said, turning off his video game completely and sitting next to the younger boy, who blushed harder.

Michael didn't know why Calum even talked to him. He was just a loser, really, and Calum was perfect. He liked that Calum liked him, though, because he would be lonely without him. Michael knew that Calum didn't like him the way the he liked Calum, but Calum liked him as a friend which was almost good enough.

Calum sat on the bed so he was facing Michael, tapping his chin gently so he looked up. Their eyes met, and Calum smiled. Michael giggled softly and blushed, because a teenaged boy shouldn't giggle like that. He buried his head in the soft material that just barely covered his hands, peeking through his fingers and giggling more. Calum moved his hands away, gently pushing him to the bed and pinning his hands above his head. He only held him like that just tight enough so he couldn't escape easily, but it was loose enough to be comfortable.

Michael shrieked and squealed as Calum started tickling him with his free hand, pinning him to the bed with his knees on either side of Michael's smaller ones. He laughed and let his hands loose, stopping the tickling. Michael made an adorable face at him and adjusted the hood of his onesie better on his head.

"S-stop," Michael giggled, squirming underneath Calum's gaze (and touch, really). Calum smiled and kissed all around his face, loving the way Michael's face crinkled up as he giggled and protested softly. He was the most adorable thing Calum had ever seen.

You're so cute," Calum said, moving a piece of Michael's purple fringe out of his face. Michael blushed harder and his eyes met Calum's.

"S-stop saying that," he mumbled with a tiny smile. Calum laughed and shook his head.

"I'm always gonna say that, it's true," he said. Michael's eyes traveled to Calum's lips for a split second, going back to his eyes. Calum leaned down a little bit more.

Their lips met gently, and Michael felt like he was going to cry and scream and explode all at once. He didn't know what to feel, he didn't know what to do, he just didn't know. He did know that he was supposed to move his lips a little bit, and that's what Calum was doing, but he was too shy to try it. Michael was trembling a little bit, nobody ever told him that his first kiss would be so overwhelming. Maybe it was just him, maybe nobody else was freaking out during their first kiss and maybe they were normal and he wasn't. When Calum pulled away a little bit, Michael almost panicked because he thought he did something wrong.

"Calm down, Mikey," Calum murmured with a small chuckle. "Just relax, it's just me."

"O-only the hottest g-guy I've ever m-met," Michael stuttered, his cheeks flushing red. Calum chuckled again.

"All you have to do is relax, there's nothing to be scared about," he said softly, his voice low. Michael wanted to crawl in a hole and cry because Calum was being so sweet and gentle with him.

Michael was still trembling a little when Calum leaned down again, but one of Calum's hands gently rubbed his waist and the other cupped his face. Michael was greeted with the warm feeling of the older boy's lips on his, and he shyly moved his lips like what Calum was doing. His hands tentatively reached up and rested on Calum's hips, his fingers curling around the hem of his shirt. Calum smiled and pulled away.

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