Always In Your Heart ~ Muke

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Again, not smut, but I promise it's coming next :) this is really really really really really sad and I cried writing it I'm sorry :(

Michael always knew that Luke was his saviour.

When Michael was 15, he had some troubles with himself. He was never happy, he was the depressed kid in the back of the classroom (if he even went to school, he skipped a lot). He had issues with self harm and anorexia, he hated himself more than he thought was even possible. By the time he was 17, he was just inches from his death, sitting on the edge of a bridge and ready to jump any second.

That's when he met Luke, his saviour.

Luke had cried and cried when seeing the beautiful boy about to jump, rushing to his side and pulling him away from the edge and holding him in a tight hug. He'd never seen him before, but he was scared for him anyways. Michael had just sobbed into his chest, his scrawny arms shakily wrapped around Luke's body. They didn't say anything for a while, Michael was too much of a wreck and Luke was afraid he would try to jump again if he said anything.

After a while, Michael finally pulled back just enough to see the older boy's face, thanking him with a quiet and raspy voice, since he hardly ever talked and his voice grew tired easily after so long of not speaking much.

"Such a beautiful boy like you deserves so much more than suicide, baby. Please don't jump," Luke had spoken softly after, his thumbs wiping away Michael's tears. "I'm Luke."


"Tell me about yourself, Michael," Luke said with a small smile, and he didn't say anything more about how close the boy was to killing himself for a while.

Slowly, they grew closer and closer together and were the best of friends anybody could possibly be. Six years later, Michael was 2 years clean and eating normally, and him and Luke shared an apartment in Sydney. They were happier than ever, and Michael was so much better than he was before.

All good things must come to an end eventually.

After many complications with Michael's physical health, he was diagnosed with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). That was, in simple terms, holes in the left side of the heart. He was born with it, but at the time it wasn't all that bad and the doctors didn't have a way to make it better because the technology wasn't as good then. As he lived on, the holes in his heart grew bigger and bigger, preventing him from a lot of exercise and/or walking.

When he was 24, he and Luke were playing football in the park when he suddenly collapsed on the ground after complaining that it was too much work for him to be running around so much. Luke rushed over immediately, calling the police and starting to cry. He looked for Michael's pulse, but it was very faint and slowing down by the second.

The doctors had told Luke that Michael needed a heart transplant as soon as possible, and they scheduled an appointment for the next day. Once they connected Michael to all of the tubes and everything he needed, Luke went inside to visit him.

"L-Luke," Michael croaked, his voice hoarse and body trembling.

"Shh, Mikey, don't talk, it's okay. They said that you're gonna have to have a heart transplant, we made an appointment for tomorrow. They have a donor, too," Luke said softly.

"I-I don't w-wanna," Michael whimpered, and Luke noticed how tiny and small he looked in the white hospital bed.

"You have to, Mikey, or else you're not gonna make it," Luke blinked back tears, but he was still crying a little bit. Michael just weakly nodded, falling into sleep soon after.

The next day, Michael was taken in a wheel chair to go to Luke in the waiting room, bouncing his leg nervously.

"L-Lukey," Michael said softly, and the older boy stood up, kneeling in front of his wheelchair to get closer to him. "I-I'm scared," he whimpered.

"You're gonna be fine, okay? Just stay calm, you're gonna be okay. You're gonna make it through this, you'll be alright," Luke comforted, his hand slipping into Michael's before leaning forwards and pressing a gentle kiss to Michael's forehead. Michael started sobbing as he was wheeled into a different room to operate on, and Luke quickly set a few things down on his chair before rushing off.


Once Michael had his surgery done, he learned how to wheel himself around in a wheelchair. He wheeled into the waiting room with a smile on his face to find Luke, but his smile immediately dropped from his face. There was nobody there, not even anybody else. He slowly wheeled around to the chair that had something on it. He knew it probably wasn't his business to look at whatever it was, but he did anyways.

It was a piece of red construction paper cut in the shape of a heart.


I'm sorry I can't be here after your operation. Just know I will always be in your heart <3


Michael furrowed his eyebrows, reading over the message again and again. Where was he? Did he stop at the store to get something?

"Honey, are you okay?" Michael looked up to see a doctor looking down on him with sympathy. "Did they not tell you who your donor was?" She asked softly, and Michael shook his head slowly.

Once the realisation hit him, he dropped the paper heart as his loud cries echoed through the room.

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