Ballet Muke

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Luke was so beautiful, so perfectly, amazingly, and astoundingly beautiful. His milky-white complexion matched his feathery wings and soft blonde hair. As he gracefully leapt through the air with his favourite white slippers on, his light coloured tutu bounced through the air, creating a subtle whoosh noise that was hardly noticeable against the soft piano playing. His eyes fluttered closed as his body did the ever familiar movements of the piece, effortlessly gliding across the stage.

Michael never understood how the boy could dance so beautifully and elegantly, his long legs so flexible yet strong. He loved the younger boy's timid and gentle voice, so soft and hushed, but sometimes blunt and honest. He loved it all. Michael was so protective of his best friend, so careful that he didn't let anything break his fragile and thin but somehow strong body. He didn't want anything happen to the boy who might as well be an angel.

"You did so well, Lu," Michael congratulated the younger boy, meeting him backstage after he performed his solo at the competition.

"Finally fixed the one step," Luke softly replied, smiling shyly and shrugging the real looking wings off of his back,  holding onto the straps like a handle. He quickly checked a mirror to be sure that his makeup wasn't messed up, sighing in relief to see that everything was perfect, just how he liked it. He carefully fixed the quiff in his soft hair and looked himself over once more before going with Michael to his team's dressing room to get ready for the group performance.

"How'd you do?" echoed throughout the room, coming from his teammates and the instructor.

"Good," Luke mumbled, blushing from all the attention on him. Michael smiled fondly at that and spoke up.

"He did beautiful, the best he's ever done before on that specific piece. I can get the recording in a few days if you'd like," Michael suggested to the teacher, who nodded.

"Thank you, Michael, and great job, Luke."

"Thanks," Luke blushed deeper yet, catching a glance of Michael looking at him with such loving eyes. He went over to the closet on wheels that they took to their competitions and pulled off his outfit for the group performance. His costume was so unlike his solo's one, this one was all torn and ripped, the black fabric such a contrast to his light complexion. He didn't like this outfit as much, he liked being pretty. The outfit was black tights and a red and black tank top, no tutu or pretty slippers with it. The whole thing was purposefully worn and symbolising evil. Michael did his makeup to look scary and he even added a realistic scar under one eye.

"Wow, you look beautiful," Michael told him, standing back to fully observe him.

"Don't feel as pretty," Luke sighed softly in response. Michael quietly assured him that he was perfect, giving him a quick good luck before he had to go onstage again. The team made their way to the backstage, Michael jogging around to the normal seating part. He preferred it there so he could see the show from straight on, and it was easier to see Luke's face there.

As the dark song started playing, the dancers mysteriously sauntered on stage. Luke was in the front, lifting the youngest girl on their team and spinning her with an evil look on his face. He set her down and back flipped before dive rolling to end up on the other side of the stage. His face still showed anger and hatred.

That was one of Michael's favourite things about Luke when he was dancing; as soon as he started dancing, he really got into character and displayed emotions not only through his facial expressions, but how his body moved. In slower and more beautiful pieces, which he preferred, his movements were gentle and graceful. In more rough and dark songs, like this one, he was able to move more jagged and out of control. Michael carefully watched Luke, knowing their routine from seeing it during practice for the past two weeks, nodding in approval as the last note played, and Luke did his famous move where he jumped up and dropped to the ground quickly on his back. It looked daring and dangerous, like if he messed up, it could severely injure him. Another cool thing about it was how it made a loud bang sound as if it hurt him, although it never did after years of practice to get it right. It always ended the performance leaving the audience shocked and concerned, hoping that Luke was okay and shocked that that was the sudden end to it.

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