Awkward Muke Smut ~ Muke (+IMPORTANT UPDATE)

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Michael closed his laptop with an awkward laugh to himself, he was reading Muke smut and it was really weird. He didn't even know why he read any of it, he always tried pushing away his feelings for the younger boy and ignoring them, since Luke didn't like him like that. He got out his phone to text Calum, trying to be funny. He was used to embarrassing himself to make Calum laugh.

To: Lukey
oh my god i just read muke smut

To: Lukey
shit sorry i didn't mean to send that to you

To: Lukey
that was meant for calum

From: Lukey
What the fuck?

From: Lukey
Why are you reading smut about us?

To: Lukey
i didn't mean to send that to you, i'm so sorry

From: Lukey
I don't care if you meant to send that to Calum, I just want to know why you're reading a book about us having sex...

To: Lukey
nothing, it doesn't matter. sorry about that

From: Lukey

To: Lukey

From: Lukey
Tell me why you were reading that.

From: Lukey
And also where I can find some

To: Lukey
wait are you serious

From: Lukey

To: Lukey
ok so i found it on this website ao3 and just search muke smut it should come up

From: Lukey
Still doesn't explain why you were reading it, but I'll text you once I'm done

To: Lukey
ok i was reading it because i was getting lonely and i think you're really hot and the fans ship us together and i thought it would be easy to get muke smut and yeah there's a lot of it out there...

To: Lukey

From: Lukey

To: Lukey
i'm so fucking hard right now and you're not even saying anything about what i just confessed to you

From: Lukey
That's actually really hot, I'm on my way over. Don't come yet, let me help you first

To: Lukey
fuck, baby, hurry up, i need you so bad

From: Lukey
Don't worry, I'm on my way right now. I'll be there in a few minutes

Michael's eyes were squeezed shut when Luke snuck in through his window, and he didn't hear. He thanked god that his parents weren't home so he could be loud.

"Mikey, I'm here," Luke said softly, pulling Michael's hand away from his throbbing length. When Michael went to sit up, Luke hushed him and threw off his shirt and jeans, pushing his boxers down a second later. Luke spit on his fingers, pushing one in to start with. Michael watched with lust filled eyes as Luke fingered himself open, soon relaxing on his bed as Luke hovered above him. "Is this okay? Do you want this?"

"Yes, please, Luke, I need you so bad," Michael assured, his hands holding onto Luke's hips to steady him as he slowly sank down onto his length. "Fucking hell, you're so tight," Michael hissed. Luke whimpered in slight pain, waiting until he felt better to slowly lift himself up and drop back down.

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