ladies and gentleman, i introduce the selfish machine

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And do you really trust your tongue or did you bury the taste?
And is this fantasy real, or is it all home-made?
And did you call me last night just 'cause you couldn't get laid?
Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce the selfish machine.


Luke knows it's going to end up the same way, it always does, but here he is again with the dark haired boy on top of him and kissing down his neck. Luke lets out a soft moan and grabs at Calum's hair, forcing him up to kiss his lips instead of his neck. Calum denies him, instead going back down and kissing his neck and then down his body to the top of his jeans. Luke doesn't confirm that he wants it, but he doesn't deny it either, and then his jeans and boxers are on the floor and he's completely exposed to the older man. Calum's not gentle with him, the gentleness ended years ago, and he's not particularly careful when he starts fingering Luke open.

Luke's body wants it, but his brain doesn't because he knows it'll end in heartbreak again, but his body is responding to the pleasure too much for Calum to take notice of the way Luke's hands try to pry the older man's hands away from him. Luke's crying by now, he usually is, but Calum doesn't care; he's got his mind locked on having sex, and that's the only reason why he hasn't left Luke yet.

Calum doesn't even lube himself up or put on a condom, he just starts pounding into the blonde. Luke's crying, but he's moaning because it feels good even though it really shouldn't. He knows that Calum's just using him for sex now, Calum never really loved him as much as Luke loved him.

Luke doesn't even know how long it is when Calum comes and triggers his own orgasm, and then before Luke could even say anything, Calum's clothes are back on and he's out the door without a word.

Luke starts to sob now, he's naked, cold, and dirty, but he can't find the strength to get up and take a shower. He's weak all over and his muscles are aching, and the liquor he drank before Calum came home isn't helping his pounding headache. Luke hates himself for putting up with this still.

He finally manages to crawl off of his bed and down the hallway to the bathroom, and he turns on the hot water in the bathtub. Luke slowly sits down on the bottom of the tub and winces in pain, his bum hurts so bad and he can't believe he's still dealing with Calum. Five years ago, they met at the first party Luke ever went to, when he was only sixteen, and Calum had taken him from the party and brought him to Dairy Queen for ice cream. He had said that Luke was too young for a party like that, he said that someone could've spiked his soda or given him drugs or taken him upstairs for sex. Luke remembers when Calum was protective of him like that.

After Calum had taken him to Dairy Queen, he had given his number to Luke and kissed him gently before taking him home. They started dating a few weeks after a few dates, and Luke had found his first love. After Calum took his virginity, Luke was too far in love to see that Calum wasn't in love with him; no matter how many times Luke's friends warned him that Calum was a jerk, that he played with people's emotions, Luke didn't listen to them because he was wrapped around Calum's finger, whipped. It was about three years after they started dating when Luke realised that Calum was just using him, and it hurt, but Luke shut right up once Calum hit him for bringing that up.

Luke wants to end the stupid fucking relationship, or whatever they have, but he's too scared that he'll get hit even more. He washes his hair and then leans against the back of the bathtub, closing his eyes and trying to relax.

Luke feels hands on him, lifting him out of the tub and waking him up in the process, and fuck, when did he fall asleep? Calum helps him stand up and he towel dries Luke's body off gently. Luke's crying softly now, it's times like this that make it impossible to just break up with him, because no matter how abusive and rough Calum can get with him, he can be gentle with him as well and Luke's still hopelessly in love with him. It makes it impossible to end it with him, Luke can't help it that he's in love with the gentle and soft side of Calum, and even though he hates himself for putting up with the abuse, he can't do it.

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