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This shit gets pretty fucking real, just a warning. Sorry it took so long, I've been caught up in testing at school and it sucks.

It wasn't a secret that Calum wore panties.

He knew his band mates knew, and probably their management team, too, but he didn't really care about that. It wasn't, or shouldn't have been, a big deal. He liked pretty panties and he liked wearing them. His favourite was a pair of pale pink ones, he liked them because the light pink contrasted his tan skin so much and it showed off his bum nicely. He just loved them.

Maybe he kind of tried giving his band mates little shows, maybe he 'accidentally' forgot to put on a pair of jeans and he just walked around the tour bus in an oversized t-shirt and panties. It wasn't his fault, though, because he couldn't control how attractive they were and they made him want to tease them. He just felt the need to get unnecessarily close to them, he kind of just liked to.

Calum walked from his bunk to the little lounge area, in just low-hanging sweatpants at his hips, smiling at Luke and Michael playing FIFA together.

"Hi," he said with a grin when Luke yelped because he didn't know Calum was there. "You both suck." That was aimed at them for being shit at FIFA, Calum was so much better than them.

"Really? I bet you'd be on your knees for us in an instant if we told you to," Michael said, biting his lip in concentration and focusing on the game. He hardly even knew what he said.

Calum just stared at him for a second, eyes wide at Michael's words.

"Michael!" Luke finally scolded, him in a bit of disbelief as well.

"What? It's true, Calum would suck us off if we told him too," Michael shrugged, pausing the game and dropping the controller down. His eyes went to Calum, who was shifting on his feet and playing with his fingers. "You'd suck my dick if I told you to right now, wouldn't you?" Michael asked with a cocky grin. Calum gulped, but nodded obediently. "Then come over here and suck me off."

Calum slowly walked over and knelt down in between Michael's knees, his fingers fumbling with the zipper of Michael's skinny jeans. Michael wanted to tell him that he was joking and he could stop if he wanted, but he couldn't make himself speak. Luke watched as Calum dragged the tight jeans dow the older boy's legs, his hands then moving back up to Michael's boxers. No matter how much Calum hated being the one wearing boxers, he thought Michael looked sexy in them.

Calum leaned forward and mouthed at the outline of Michael's hard cock in his boxers, teasing him. He pulled them down soon after, taking Michael's length in his hand. Calum slowly licked from the base to the tip, keeping eye contact with Michael and harshly sucking on the head. Michael let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, one of his hands reaching down and holding onto Calum's hair.

"Fuck, Calum," Michael groaned. Calum took him down further, his head bobbing up and down at a slow pace. Calum glanced over at Luke when he pulled up to take a breath, seeing the youngest boy watching his every move with his hands clenched at his sides. The bulge in his jeans was so obvious, Calum wanted to help him, but Michael guided his head back down on his cock.

"Attention hogger," Calum muttered after pulling up again because he wasn't prepared for Michael to force him back down again.

"Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" Michael asked, getting impatient because Calum wasn't touching him anymore. "Come on, it's not gonna suck itself," he said.

"Fuck off, Michael," Calum rolled his eyes, taking Michael back into his mouth. Michael moaned loudly and threw his head back, eyes squeezing shut. Calum's fingers dug into Michael's thighs as he deep throated the older boy. Michael tugged on Calum's now messy hair, so close to coming in his mouth.

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