Cake ~ Exam

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Calum bounced his leg nervously, glancing around the hospital waiting room. He was waiting to have his first prostate exam, and he was pretty much terrified. His friend Ashton freaked him out about it and told him that they stick their fingers up your ass.

"Calum Hood?" A nurse asked. Calum shakily stood up, glancing at Ashton, who smiled tauntingly at him as a joke. "You can wait in here, it'll only be a few minutes before Doctor Hemmings is ready."

Calum sat on the table and swung his legs, his hands shaking and pretty much his whole body shaking as well. Soon the door opened, and a tall man with blonde hair walked in with a clipboard.

Damn. He was really fucking hot.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Hemmings, but you can just call me Luke if you want," he introduced.

"H-hi, 'm Calum," the younger boy blushed, looking away.

"Mmm, first prostate exam, yeah?" Luke asked, and Calum nodded nervously. "Don't be nervous, it's not going to hurt. It'll just feel really weird and maybe a little good, okay? There's nothing to worry about, you just have to relax for me. How do you want me to do this? Do you want to bend over the table or lay on your back?" Luke asked.

"I-I'll bend over," Calum muttered, standing up and blushing harder as he pulled off his impossibly tight skinny jeans and black boxers. He bent over the table and gripped the sides anxiously. He could hear Luke put on rubber gloves and rub his hands together.

"It's gonna be kinda cold, okay? Just relax," Luke said softly. Calum took a deep breath, gasping when feeling a few fingers pressing around his hole. "Tell me if it hurts, okay?" Luke gently pressed on a few spots before he slowly pushed in one finger. Calum whimpered at the feeling. "Does it hurt at all?" Luke asked. Calum shook his head, panting now. Luke moved his finger around.

"Shit!" Calum yelped. "Fuck, what are you doing?!"

"I found your prostate, it's normal for it to feel like that," Luke chuckled. Calum whimpered again out of pleasure, biting his fingers to try and keep quiet. "Does it hurt?" Luke asked almost teasingly, pressing his finger to Calum's prostate.

"N-no," Calum bit back a moan. Was it supposed to feel this good?

"It's normal for it to feel like that, some people are more sensitive," Luke said, almost as if he knew what Calum was thinking. He slowly pulled his finger out and added another, pushing them back in. Calum let out a shaky breath mixed with a tiny moan, squeezing his eyes shut. "Mmm, you like that, don't you?" Luke's voice was low.

"Y-yeah," Calum breathed. He could feel his cock pressing against the table and his stomach, and fuck, he needed release. He was hard.

"Your prostate is all good, want me to fuck you babe?" Luke asked, his free hand running up and down one of Calum's pretty thighs.

"Fuck," Calum whimpered.

"Hmm? Want me to fuck you? Want me to pound into your pretty little hole?" Luke smirked. Calum frantically nodded, moaning when Luke pumped his two fingers inside of him faster. Soon, Luke was four fingers deep and Calum was almost sobbing in pleasure. "Ready for my cock, babe?" Luke asked, groaning when Calum turned around and pushed Luke's pants and boxers down, coating his length in the lube Luke used with his fingers.

"Fuck me like this," Calum begged, laying on his back and supporting his weight with his elbows. Luke nodded and slowly pressed his tip in, pushing in until he bottomed out. Calum reached one hand up and gripped onto Luke's bicep, taking a few deep breaths. "M-move," he whispered, moaning when Luke pulled almost all the way out and slammed back in. Luke quickened his pace, groaning and complimenting Calum on his pretty ass.

"Fuck, babe, you're so tight even after I stretched you out. So fucking pretty," Luke moaned. Calum whimpered in response, pushing his hips down to meet his harsh thrusts.

"I-I... 'm gonna come," Calum whined.

"Let it all out, babe. Come all over yourself," Luke said, leaning forward and pushing Calum's shirt to his neck so he wouldn't get it dirty. Calum whimpered and came, untouched, all over his stomach and chest. Luke moaned, feeling Calum clench around his throbbing cock, and he let go inside of the younger boy. "Shit, you're so fucking hot."

Luke carefully pulled out, taking a few tissues and wiping Calum clean. Calum was panting, staring at the ceiling.

"Come on, I probably have another patient soon. We should get going," Luke said. Calum's heart dropped at the thought of Luke doing that to his other patients, but he nodded and sighed. "Can I have your number so we can talk more? I'd love to hang out sometime," Luke smiled, and Calum nodded. He took Luke's phone and added a new contact, blushing hand putting his clothes on again. "And no, I don't do that for everybody. In fact, you were my first, so be proud of yourself," Luke said, again almost as if he could read Calum's mind. Calum blushed harder and nodded, kissing his cheek before leaving.

"So how'd it go?" Ashton asked as soon as Calum got back to the waiting room. "It took longer than it takes most people, is there something wrong with you?"

"It went fine, Ash, there's nothing wrong with me," Calum laughed softly, blushing yet harder and following him to his car.

It would be a lie so say that Calum never did anything else with Luke.

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