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Michael hadn't even seen the pyrotechnic pipe in front of him, all he saw was the fans screaming their lyrics back at him and he loved it. He was grinning like an idiot, staring in amazement at the thousands of fans.

Then he saw fire, and a stinging pain shot through the side of his face and he smelled burning. Burning, like his hair was on fire.

Michael let go of his guitar, starting to cry in pain, and he took off running for backstage. He cupped the left side of his face and let out sounds of pain, using his right hand to take his guitar off of his neck to give to the stage crew. Michael stumbled around and yelled something, he wasn't completely sure what, to find someone to help him.

"Michael? What's wrong?" A pained voice from behind him came. Calum, it was Calum. Michael turned around, looking through his good eye to see Calum holding his arm in pain. "Mikey," Calum said, rushing over. From there, everything else was a blur. Michael saw Luke rushing towards them, crying, and Ashton was trying to comfort him and see if Michael and Calum were okay.

Michael was asking Calum repeatedly if he was okay, but crying out in pain while doing so. He didn't know if he still even had a left eye, and maybe his skin burnt off and there was bone showing, he was just in pain. Michael heard Luke crying harder, and Ashton was rushing on stage to say something about Michael and Calum getting burnt.

"Michael, can you open your eye for me?" A woman was suddenly in front of him. Michael shook his head, but pulled his hand away to let the paramedic help him. "Try and open your eye," she instructed, and Michael used his fingers to try and open it. He was sobbing at that point, he noticed, and he shrieked once his eye was open and immediately closed it. "You were burnt pretty bad," she said.

"C-Calum, h-he was b-burnt," Michael stuttered, tears pouring down his face. That's when he noticed that only his right eye was crying, his left eye was stinging but not producing any tears. The paramedic moved onto Calum, and Michael saw Luke in front of him.

"Oh my god, Michael," Luke gasped, seeing his face. "How bad does it hurt? Are you okay?"

"Fuck, where's Calum?" Michael croaked, holding his face again.

"He's okay, they're bandaging his arm, he's okay," Luke assured, wiping tears of his own. He pulled Michael into a hug, but quickly let go when he heard Michael choked out a sob.

"Mikey," Calum's voice came from behind him. Michael turned around, thankful to see that Calum was okay. "They're gonna help you now, okay?" Calum asked, reaching a hand out and grasping it in Michael's. Michael let himself fall to a chair, he felt dizzy. Through his good eye, he saw multiple paramedics in front of him, but they were blurry from his tears.

Michael screamed when they opened his left eye and thrashed around, but he felt Luke and Ashton's hands holding him down so he didn't hurt anybody. Calum was still holding his hand. Michael was sobbing harder, they were putting wet bandages over his face. They were cold against his burning skin, and someone was tipping his head back and giving him eye drops in his left eye. Multiple voices told him to blink a lot, but Michael couldn't bring himself to do it. It hurt too much.

"Mikey, you have to blink or else it won't help at all," Calum's soothing voice came from beside him, and Michael finally did as told. He was still letting out sounds of pain, but he listened to Calum because he was burnt too. His head was tipped back again and more drops were in his eye and they told him to blink again. Michael hissed at the continuous sting in that stupid god damned eye, but blinked a thousand times. "Is it getting better?" Calum asked.

"Hurts like hell," Michael choked out, "But I'm starting to see." Michael then was pulled up by his bandmates, and he felt dizzy. "Fuck," he muttered, trying not to stumble over his feet.

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