Lashton ~ Lukey Baby ( SAD FLUFF)

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The first time Luke and his boyfriend (that he loved very much) had sex, Luke was taught the colours. Ashton knew that they didn't have a true dom/sub relationship and they probably never would, he just wanted to make sure his Lukey was safe and feeling good. Green meant that Luke was okay and they should continue, yellow meant that they needed to slow down because it hurt, and red meant that they needed to stop immediately. Luke only ever used green, he pushed himself through the pain of his first time even thought it was hard to at first. Him and Ashton had only done 'it' three times, but Ashton was planning a little something for later that night once Luke got home.

Luke had his guitar strapped to his back as he walked the downtown streets, adjusting the backpack straps of the guitar case every once and a while. His coat was tightly wrapped around his thin body, the wind had started to pick up not too long before. The snow on the ground was half melted, puddles forming on the sidewalks and in alleys. Luke shivered and finally arrived at the music store, going inside and setting the case on the counter. He ran the little bell to get someone out to help him, smiling at the boy with fluffy purple hair that came out and asked what he needed help with.

"The first and third strings are broken and I ran out of replacements, and also the plug needs to be tightened. I suck at fixing guitars, so I thought I might as well bring it here instead of breaking it more," Luke chuckled softly.

"I can fix it, yeah. I'll call you when it's done, can you write your number down please?" The boy asked with a kind smile.

"Sorry, I'm taken," Luke joked, writing his number down on the small piece of paper and sliding it back to the boy with purple hair.

"I am too, I didn't mean it like that!" The boy blushed bright red, giggling and covering his mouth with a sweater covered hand.

"I know, I know, I'm just messing with you," Luke smiled. "So about how long will it be about?"

"Probably a few days, I got a bunch of stuff to do and I've been lazy and not doing it. I'll call you, yeah?"

"Sounds good, thank you," Luke replied, waving and leaving the store with a smile. He tightened his coat around his body, hoping he could get his guitar soon because he wanted-

"Fuck, I could use a sexy boy like you to get me off."

Luke flinched and looked up, his eyes widening at the muscly man that was approaching him.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard," the man smirked. Luke opened his mouth to speak, but the man plugged his nose with two fingers and clamped his mouth shut with the rest of his hand. "You're gonna have to cooperate, or I'm gonna have to shoot you." Luke frantically nodded the best he could with his face in the man's grip, coughing when he let go.

The man gripped Luke's coat and dragged him to an alley, pulling out a knife. He flicked it open with his creepy eyes staring at it, bringing the blade to Luke's trembling body. He knelt down and gripped onto the hem of Luke's skinny jeans, dragging the knife down his legs to cut the material off. Luke whimpered and closed his eyes, and the man threw his coat off and cut his shirt off. He could feel his skin being cut open and bleeding all over himself in many places. He was so terrified of being shot and he didn't want to risk it, so he let the man touch him everywhere with his disgusting and calloused hands.

"Say my name, boy," the man growled. Luke almost asked what it was, but the man was faster. "It's Aaron, say my name right now."

"A-Aaron," Luke whimpered.

"Fuck, that was so hot," Aaron licked his lips, taking his knife and cutting Luke's boxers off roughly.

It wasn't even a minute later when Aaron was wrecking the small boy, who was crying out in pain and sobbing into his hands. He was almost collapsing on the ground, but Aaron kept going and moaning disgustingly.

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