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Chapter one

~Lily's POV~

I've always loved Jacob. I've always admired him for his boldness to be who he is, a bright boy who seems to understand every concept our teachers introduce without even an explanation.

And that is why I was amazed that he would ever ask such a transparent character as me to the spring dance.

When he did, I almost fell of my chair onto the cement of the cafeteria floor.

I had no idea why he didn't even blink when he walked by me in halls but he was now asking me to the most popular high school dance in British Columbia.

Later that day Mr. Wilton, our chemistry teacher, ran out of test tubes and asked me to go get some more from the supply room.

When I got to the supply room door, I raised my hand to turn the doorknob but I stopped with it halfway there.

A girl and a boy were whispering inside the supply room.

I didn't want to eavesdrop on somebody's conversation so I started to back away, but when I thought I heard my name, I pressed my ear to the door.

"Don't you realize what a horrible mistake you've made, Jacob?"

I stiffened. Why was this girl talking to Jacob? Before I could contemplate further, the girl started to talk again.

"Before you know it we will be married and this girl will be forgotten!"

Married? This girl?! Were they talking about me?

"It's alright Angie, when it is time I will tell her what needs to be done!"

So this was Angie! Jacobs...sister? But if they were going to be married then how...what? What needs to be done! Realization dawned on me and my eyes brimmed with tears.

"But Jacob, you don't understand!!! If you break up with her, she'll be heartbroken!!"

The girl continued.

"And father won't be happy either. You know the Aquaclan feels very strongly about the tradition. pure heart until marriage to their rightful soulmate," Angelica finished.

"Well did it ever occur to you that I don't want to follow this stupid tradition? Maybe I'm tired of the stupid rules, forcing me to marry someone I don't even love!" Jacobs voice was rising in volume.


"I'm sorry Angelica, I didn't mean it like that...I-father said-"

"I acknowledge your wit, so I really don't see how you could have made that blunder without meaning it!" Angelica said, devastation obvious in her voice.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door and I had only a couple of seconds to move away from the door before it was flung open. Angelica stepped out of the supply room and when she caught sight of me, her eyes widened.


Hello, it's me, Wolfgirl1918. If you like this chapter of my story please vote or comment on my page. Thanks so much, it really means a lot!

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