~Lily's POV~
I awoke with my head on the arm of the couch. there was an ache in the back of my neck. Last night, Jacob had stayed over, and we ended up falling asleep on the couch.
Sun streamed through the window, creating dust motes that twirled and swirled around.
"Jacob?" I called out.
"Take me with you, to where you live,"
Last night he had told me everything. He told me that his family lived underwater, that they were from a long line of water sorcerers and sorceresses called Aquaclan (that explained what I had overheard in the supply room) there was also Earthclan, the earth warriors and allies with Auquaclan, Gustclan, the air warriors and also allies with Auquaclan and lastly Emberclan. It was a beautiful name for a horrible group of people. They were the fire warriors and they were not allies with any of the clans. They used their powers to their advantage, for fire does indeed have an advantage. Fire burns earth, destroys air and evaporates water.
When Jacob told me this, it was not easy for me to wrap my head around. That meant that Jacob wasn't...human.
But I loved him all the same.
"I can't take you," he said, sitting up. "It's too dangerous. Emberclan is always trying to attack us...and father won't be happy that I'm straying from tradition,"
"Why do you have to obey the stupid tradition?" I asked, getting up off the couch to get us both a glass if water.
"Well," he replied "first of all it would hurt Angie. No offence to her, but I don't really love her in that way. Second of all, father-"
Suddenly my heart sank. "Jacob," I said.
"Did you park in the driveway or on the side of the road?"
"On the side of the road. Why?"
"Jacob, my mom should be getting here any minute. She's not going to be very happy about me having a sleepover without telling her first. Especially with a boy, even if we didn' know,"
"So, I should leave?" He asked.
I heard the crunching of the gravel in the driveway.
"Yeah, like now. Go out the back door and wait until you hear her come in the front door. Then go to your car,"
I heard the slamming of a car door and shoes on gravel.
Jacob ran towards the laundry room and I heard the back door click seconds before the front door opened and my mom stepped in.
"I'm home," she called. "Did you manage well on your own?"
"Um...yeah," I said trying to sound and look like I had just woken up from a relaxing sleep.
"That's good," mom said. I could tell her mind was elsewhere.
She stepped into the room.
Her hospital uniform, as usual, fit perfectly over her petite figure and, even though she must have been exhausted from spending the night at work, she still managed to hide every trace of tiredness from her face.
After a little chat as mom made toast for breakfast, I went up to my room.
I took out my phone and texted Jacob.
Lilly/ so...did u make it to ur car?
After a few minutes of waiting, I heard the beep that meant Jacob had texted back.
Jacob/ yes. I am now driving home. Not my real home, a house my father rented so Angie and I could go to school and keep an eye on what was going on up on shore.
Lilly/ good.
We continued small talk for just something to do until Jacob said he had to go.
I lay down on my bed, and suddenly a wave of fatigue washed over me.
Soon I was asleep.

PertualanganLily linger has never been a very popular girl, so when she finds out something AMAZING about herself and her secret crush, she is thrilled! But can this revelation mean more than just happiness? Can she protect everyone she loves from harm, all the...