Chapter thirteen

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~Lily's POV~

When I woke up, I was in a huge four poster bed, the covers flowing over my sore body. Lace and doilies decorated everything from the tables and dressers to the blankets that covered me.

I pulled them off, swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. My legs were wobbly and sore and I began to wonder how long I had been asleep.

I walked over to the door and turned the doorknob. It was locked.

I walked over to the window and proceeded to pull back the curtains.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you,"

I jumped.

"Who said that?" I yelped.

"It's me, Griffin,"

I whirled around and my hand connected with his face, making a satisfying slapping noise.

He fell backwards into a dresser and it crashed to the floor.

"Ow!" He growled, a red handprint blooming on his face.

He got up and heaved the dresser back into place. Then he turned to face me.

His eyes were dark with anger and it was as if I could see fire flaming in them. He grabbed my wrist and I tried to break his firm grip, but to no avail.

He touched the doorknob, and it glowed red hot. I heard the lock click and soon we were out the door. We walked through a dark hallway, torches in braziers lined the walls.

Griffin unlocked the door to a damp cell the same way he had unlocked the bedroom door, and threw me in. The lock clicked.

"This will teach you not to slap your captors,"

And then he was gone.

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