~Lily's POV~
I was sitting on the floor of Jacobs bathroom. I had no idea what was going on, only that Emberclan was here.
What was Jacob doing out there? Would he be hurt?
I stood up and sat on the edge of the bath. In the past couple minutes I had had some time to think, and I had realized something.
I really did love Jacob Black.
~Jacobs POV~
I watched as griffin looked at the fountain. Suddenly there was a loud bang as it exploded.
"It's not fair if you get advantages, is it Black?" Griffin grinned.
A ball of flames shot out of his hand, coming towards me.
I didn't have time to duck, but instinctively I created a shield of water, and there was a hiss as some of the water evaporated. When I was sure the ball of flames had been extinguished, I let the water fall with a loud splash. It trickled towards me and made a spinning storm of water around my feet.
I sent a wave of water in Griffins direction and it knocked him over. He groaned when he fell on a broken piece of cement from the fountain and reached for his knife, but before he could lay his hands on it I washed it away with some more water.
"No weapons," I said. Now I was the one grinning. "Don't break your own rules, King,"
~Lily's POV~
I rushed to the window when I heard a bang. Jacob was was standing over a blonde haired boy who was pinned to the ground by...was that water?
Cement blocks littered the yard.
That's it! I thought. I'm going out out there to see what's going on. I got up, and I was reaching for the doorknob when I voice echoed through my head.
Don't go out there lily!
It's too dangerous.
~Jacobs POV~
Lily burst through the front door, her face looking grave.
Why hadn't she listened to me?!
Suddenly there was a bang and the fence behind me caught on fire.
I summoned water to extinguish the flames. The air filled with smoke and my eyes began to water. When I turned around again a horrible sight met my eyes.
Griffin had escaped from his watery trap, and he was holding a knife to Lily's throat.

AventuraLily linger has never been a very popular girl, so when she finds out something AMAZING about herself and her secret crush, she is thrilled! But can this revelation mean more than just happiness? Can she protect everyone she loves from harm, all the...