~Lily's POV~
A huge, light blue wolf was running towards me. I was going to scream, but before I could, I noticed an enormous twisted leather saddle encrusted with rubies and emeralds on it's back.
As it got closer, I also noticed lines of white all over its fur, exactly like the shadows that waves make on the sand in the surface of shallow parts of the ocean.
"Wow!" I exclaimed. "She's beautiful!"
"She's yours," Jacobs smiled. "Her name's Jayla,"
"Mine?" My jaw dropped.
"Every clan member has one," Jacob explained. "You saw Griffins," Jacobs face darkened when he said griffins name. "Nightmare,"
He whistled.
A dark blue lion ran into view. White stars decorated its beautiful pelt.
"Maxa," Jacob grinned. "She's my lion.
On Maxas back, a jet black fabric saddle rested.
"Come on," Jacob jumped on Maxas back. "Let's get out of here,"
I mounted Jayla and we rode off. After a while, the rhythmic motion of Jaylas movement lulled me to sleep. It felt like I would need a thousand kisses to wake me up.

AdventureLily linger has never been a very popular girl, so when she finds out something AMAZING about herself and her secret crush, she is thrilled! But can this revelation mean more than just happiness? Can she protect everyone she loves from harm, all the...