Chapter nineteen

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~Lily's POV~

A huge, light blue wolf was running towards me. I was going to scream, but before I could, I noticed an enormous twisted leather saddle encrusted with rubies and emeralds on it's back.

As it got closer, I also noticed lines of white all over its fur, exactly like the shadows that waves make on the sand in the surface of shallow parts of the ocean.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "She's beautiful!"

"She's yours," Jacobs smiled. "Her name's Jayla,"

"Mine?" My jaw dropped.

"Every clan member has one," Jacob explained. "You saw Griffins," Jacobs face darkened when he said griffins name. "Nightmare,"

He whistled.

A dark blue lion ran into view. White stars decorated its beautiful pelt.

"Maxa," Jacob grinned. "She's my lion.

On Maxas back, a jet black fabric saddle rested.

"Come on," Jacob jumped on Maxas back. "Let's get out of here,"

I mounted Jayla and we rode off. After a while, the rhythmic motion of Jaylas movement lulled me to sleep. It felt like I would need a thousand kisses to wake me up.

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