Chapter twenty nine

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~Jacobs POV~

Just before it hit Lily, the most unexpected and horrible thing happened. Angie dove in front of  her and took the blow. The knife hit her in the chest and knocked her over. She screamed, and so did Lily.

"We'll it seems we've caused you enough grief for one day," Dracon smiled. "But we'll be back for the emerald," with that they all dissolved in to shadows.

"Angie!!" I screamed. I ran towards her, tears running down my cheeks. 

She lay, blood dripping from her wound onto the wet sand. I pulled the knife from her chest and threw it as far as I could into the grass.

"Angie!" I choked. "You're gonna be okay, oh please be okay!"

"J-Jacob..." Angie croaked, a tear spilling from the corner of her eye.  Jenna and Lilly sniffed behind me, and cried.

"Take good care of...of L-Lily...please,"

"Of course I will," he wiped the tear from her cheek.

She stared up at the dark sky and the stars glistened in her eyes.

"They're so beautiful..." She whispered. She took a last shuddering breath and was still.

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