~Jacobs POV~
When Jenna let us inside, she told us to sit down while she went to see if Bartemius was ready for visitors.
"Jacob?" Lily asked. "I haven't properly thanked you for...for saving my life,"
I smiled. "Anytime! Seriously though, I didn't know if you would be able what you did. I could have killed you,"
"That's kind of disturbing," lily laughed. "I could have been killed by my own boyf-friend!" Her smile faded. She suddenly found a huge interest in the lines on the wood of the table, tracing them with her fingers.
Suddenly Jenna walked back into the room and I jumped. "Sorry I scared you," she laughed. "Barty's study is a horrible mess. He told me to give him a few minutes. Honestly, that man doesn't seem to care if he accidentally uses hair die as toothpaste. It's happened a few times too!"
The kettle began to whistle and Jenna hurried to turn of the element.
"So, what kind of tea would you like?" She opened a drawer. "I have...cinnamon, green, mint and earl grey,"
"Mint please," I grinned.
Jenna and I both looked at Lily. " pick?" She whispered.
"Well in that case, I'll just make a pot of mint," Jenna laughed. She took the package out of the small cardboard box and dropped it into a white an blue striped teapot and poured the water in.
"And would you two each like a cookie?" She took some out of a jar and placed them on a clear plate
~Lilys POV~
I realized I hadn't eaten anything since a hurried bowl of cornflakes the morning before, and I was ravenous!
"Yes please," Jacob and I said in unison.
Jenna placed the plate of cookies on the table, and within seconds Jacob an I were both chewing.
"Hungry are you?" Jenna laughed.

AdventureLily linger has never been a very popular girl, so when she finds out something AMAZING about herself and her secret crush, she is thrilled! But can this revelation mean more than just happiness? Can she protect everyone she loves from harm, all the...