~Lily's POV~
A huge boom rumbled through my cell, making me jump.
I heard what seemed to be the rushing of water.
An enormous wave crashed past the cell doors, washing several guards along with it. Water rushed into my cell, making my feet wet. The water rose quickly, and after not even a minute it was up to my waist.
I tried to swim higher up, but when standing up my head almost touched the cell and there was really no room for me to move.
The water came up to chest level, and a hot wave of realization washed over me, even faster than the real wave had rushed into the cell.
I was going to die here. I was going to die in the hands of Emberclan, but not because of them.
I waded over to the barred door of the cell. I shook it with everything I had, but no matter how hard I shook the door stayed firmly locked.
"Somebody!!!" I screamed. "Let me out of here!!" But there was nobody to here my screams.
The water reached my chin and tears rolled down the only part of me that was dry. They splashed into the water.
The water went over my mouth an I turned my head upwards to face the roof, gasping for air before it was all gone.
The water filled my ears and I could hear the rushing of the waves. It rose higher and higher.
Suddenly I was completely covered in water. I was floating there, and I could feel my lungs scraping for air.
I looked around, and was surprised by how clearly I could see.
I looked towards the door again and there he was.
He stood there as if he was standing on land. His body wasn't floating at all, his hands (in his pockets) weren't drifting towards the ceiling.
He was smiling at me. I could see his chest rising and falling and I thought I must be hallucinating
That word echoed in my head, just as those words had in Jacob's bathroom what seemed like years ago.
I wanted to scream "I can't breath you idiot! I'm under WATER!" But when I opened my mouth, but a wave of water rushed in and I began to choke.
Just breath
Everything began to go white and fuzzy, and I did something that changed my life
I breathed

AdventureLily linger has never been a very popular girl, so when she finds out something AMAZING about herself and her secret crush, she is thrilled! But can this revelation mean more than just happiness? Can she protect everyone she loves from harm, all the...