Mummys Boy

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Due to the generous- but dangerous free refill system, I had managed to get through a few glasses of the alcohol being provided, and although I had been knocking back the drinks at a somewhat speedy pace, we were so full in conversation that i was handling them well, although maybe a little dizzy, I didn't feel 'drunk' even slightly, which was highly unusual since I was usually such a lightweight. I had only eaten two slices of the pizza that had arrived, which came as a shock to Luke since I was such a fan, however i wasn't hungry, and I didn't like the taste that alcohol created when mixed with food in my mouth.

Luke had opted out of drinking too much, since he was driving us home, and would need to stay under the limit. He managed to gobble the full pizza despite making me aware that he had had the same meal for the past six nights.

"I don't think Iv had a proper sit down at a restaurant like this in months" Luke spoke, as he took another small sip of his drink.

"Work been taking over?" I asked, a sudden serious tone lingering in my voice

He nodded his head, as he swirled a remaining swash of wine around in the bottom of the spherical glass "As usual"

I sympathised towards him, since I could completely relate to how he might be feeling

"It gets a little swallowing sometimes right?" I said

"Yeah- Sometimes I just wish I could have a few days off, you know? Without the paparazzi-and the fans" He replied

"Yeah I completely agree, I love what I do I just-"

"Want to be normal sometimes?" Luke interrupted, finishing my sentence off for me

"Exactly" I nodded "I don't know it just kind of feels like i'm missing out sometimes, like I can't do things other people my age can"

Luke raised his eyebrows and nodded in complete agreement "Yeah I understand! It's like I just want to be treated as Luke sometimes- not always Luke Hemmings the 5sos lead singer" He said

I nodded slowly, agreeing with his words

"Infact, your probably the first girl iv met since all this has started that has only treated me as Luke"

"I'd like to hear what your fans would have to say about that" I chuckled

I watched Luke chuckle and shake his head at the thought

"But yeah, I can relate, Trust me" I said, lowering the volume of my voice as I said the words 'trust me', relating back to the previous topic that was being discussed

"Bad past experiences huh?"  Luke questioned

"You could say that" I laughed at my own expense

"Yeah me too" He replied, I suddenly felt guilty as I watched his scarred eyes stare at the flickering candle wick that was placed, lit, on the centre of the table, remembering what Luke had told me at the yoghurt store, about constantly being used by fame and money diggers, Luke noticed my state, and probably realised that things had gotten pretty deep "But I mean other than that and the whole being away from home thing- I think I have a pretty sick job"

"Aw, Being away from home? Do I smell a mummy's boy?" I teased, attempting to lighten the mood

Luke laughed, knowing I was only playing

"Look through here just for one sec" Luke said, tapping on the side of his now empty glass

I lowered my head so I could peer through the side of the glass, an enlarged image of Luke on the other side greeted me, him highering his middle finger with a cheeky grin on his face

I gasped and grabbed my chest dramatically, acting offended, before joining in with Luke's giggles

It was two hours later, And I couldn't help but realise that my speech had become slightly sloppy, and my eyes began to roll in many different directions on a regular basis completely out of my control

"I think that's enough of the free drinks for one night" Luke laughed, noticing my state, as he pulled the glass that was once planted in my grip, into his own, keeping it out of reach.

"But it's so good!" I whined

"I know I know" He giggled "come on let's get you home"

I, even surprisingly to myself, agreed to his request, and stood to my feet immediately

"Leaving already?" The waiter called

"Yes, we really need to head home, but thankyou!" Luke answered

The waiter smiled and thanked us for our presence and Luke linked my arm around his own in order to balance me in a dignified way, attempting to hide the fact I could barely walk.

Luckily, most of the photographers had left the scene by the time we were exiting the resturaunt, and as for those who remained by the doors of the building (still being guarded by security) they didn't seem to pick up on my intoxicated state. We past them and Luke led me to the car and pulled the keys out of his back pocket, chuckling to my meaningless ramblings that he didn't seem to be making any sense of.

"In you get little one" he said, guiding me into the car with his arm

"Little one!" I shrieked with glee "My dad used to call me that all the time!"

Luke shut the door and ran around the front of the car before climbing into the drivers seat

"That's cute" I heard him answer, I was sure that he then broke into a story about his childhood however my drunken mind silenced him, and I began to slowly drift off to sleep.


The sudden stop of vibrations that the car was once creating made me wake up, I looked over at Luke who was staring back at me

"Are you okay?" He questioned

I nodded with an overly happy expression upon my face

"Good" Luke laughed, as he began his exit from the car

I slipped off my heels before attempting to get out the car myself, Luke greeted me on the other side of the door as he pulled it open for me, probably realising that getting out the vehicle alone in the state I was in was an impossible task

"Thankyou sir" I mumbled, somehow mistaking Luke for a limousine driver, which made him chuckle

I made my way to the front door of the home and waited for Luke to unlock it, as he did so, I pushed It open before running to the lounge and collapsing on the couch before me in complete exhaustion

I heard Luke re-locking the door, before hearing his footsteps along the wooden floor nearer closer and closer to me

"Apple" he whispered, attempting to wake me, even though I heard him, I felt to unstable to reply

I soon felt my body be lifted from the sofa, and as my eyes flinched I noticed that I was being carried up the stairs in Luke's arms, my body twitched a little from the situation

"It's okay it's okay it's okay" Luke whispered re assuringly

Hearing his voice somehow soothed the happening, causing me to peacefully sleep again.

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