Blonde Wigs

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*A/N- it's been over 2 months!! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, I hate to have to give excuses so often but I've just started college, and have been procrastinating writing since this part of the book is proving challenging to write with so much of it being a filler, big things are coming for Apple and Luke though... Can't wait to get to write them, Thankyou again for all your support and for sticking with me and the book despite this busy period in my life, updates will be regular soon xx*

My eyes lit up and twinkled whilst gazing around at the fairy lights that were littered around the property, Luke stepped down from a tall metal ladder after a loud final hammer into the wall, completing the homes festive make over.

Michael let out a satisfied huff , and Ashton seemed mesmerised by the decorations.

"Good job team" I chuckled, patting Calum on the back-an action that broke the boys long gaze at the Christmas tree that stood neatly in a large empty space in the kitchen.

The boys grinned and Georgie let out a humbled smile

There was a couple of moments silence, with the household genuinely admiring the decorations. The kitchen was most garnished in Christmas accessories out of the whole home-with it being the largest room. It had large circular holly wreaths and personalised stockings decorating the walls, mistletoe hanging occasionally from the ceiling and Christmas scented candles lit across the counters, it was also the room that held advent calendars, the ever so 'unique' tree and small Christmas trinkets that were hanging from certain handles and cupboards.

It was after these few moments silence that Ashton grabbed the shoulders of Calum playfully

"Do you like the look of that tree mate?" He asked "you haven't stopped staring at it" he continued with a small chuckle

Calum broke his gaze again, a large sniffle sounding in the air, he didn't seem himself at all, an empty stare back at the group and uncomfortable monouver instead relishing his stanz

"Are you okay?" I asked, a confused tone lurking in my voice.

"Yeah" he replied "it's-nothing"

Michael draped an arm across Calum's  shoulders "What's up dude?" He asked

"It's stupid" Calum replied, shaking his head delicately, and not once making eye contact with any of the household

Michael nudged him-non verbally reassuring him, and urging him to open up about what was wrong.

"It's just-" Calum tightened his grip around the top-of-the-christmass-tree star ornament that was planted in his palm and shook his head with an embarassed giggle "it was kinda a family tradition that me and my sister would put the star at the top of the tree- and I don't know I just haven't seen her properly in so long-and I'm not going to see her this Christmas cause she's doing her own music stuff, I know it's selfish, I just really, really, really miss her" he admitted, his finger trailing over the "Malikoa" dedicated tattoo on his arm

"It's alright buddy" Michael smiled, putting his head against Calum's gently "you'll see her soon I promise- we still have a few weeks before we tour again-you'll work something out"

Calum smiled forcefully and nodded "you're right"

Michaels lips formed a smile, and the household momentarily shared a quick-yet meaningful-group hug.

Luke grabbed a blonde wig off a kitchen chair that was still there from when Ashton had used it humorously a few weeks back, and planted it on his own head instantly

"-Untill then cal" he chuckled "I'll be your sister! Let's get this star up here"

Calum's face lightened, and he laughed at Luke's bid to cheer him up

"Hop on- sis" Cal said merrily, tapping his shoulders as Luke climbed upon them, Me, Georgie, Ashton and Michael all stood-humoured- watching the scene, as Calum balanced Luke steadily, with him finally-and somewhat iconically- placing the star on top of the tree.

The household cheered and Luke and Calum shared a small brotherly hug when Luke's feet touched the floor again. Christmas had officially begun, and there was now a countdown to our households pre-Christmas.

Hours had passed, Luke and Calum had gone to a near by studio to begin the production on a new single as requested by management-since the madden brothers were in town, and were adamant that 5sos and themselves should begin writing again after the success of the last song they had wrote together.

I snugged lonely on the couch, with nothing but a plate of crumbs from a donut I had eaten, a pillow and blankets in my company.

Suddenly however I heard the door slam and an angry huff echo around the hallway, I flinched slightly at the noise-even more so when the individual threw off their shoes so they hit the walls causing yet another loud bang.

"Calum? Luke?" I called out worriedly

The large figure stood in the doorway of the lounge, and as I sat up, I realised this figure was Luke.

"What?" He muttered grumpily

"I was just wondering who made all that sound" I spoke "what's up with you?"

Luke furrowed together his eyebrows "that fucking writing session is what's up with me, I'm so fucking shit at writing"

I felt sympathy fill my veins and peeled my head away from the pillow it was lay on. I tilted my head and opened my arms widely to signal for Luke to climb into them-an offer he accepted instantly

"Your not shit at writing-I've heard songs you've written" I assured him "every artist has their bad days baby, this just happens to be one of them"

He nodded gently, my voice seeming to soothe his anger

"I just can't fucking stand it sometimes-Calum and the madden brothers are so talented, I just feel as though I'm holding back the band" he grumbled

"Don't say that Lukey" I whispered, empathising with his words since I too had experienced bad days in the studio. "Your problem is that you don't understand how good you really are-you don't appreciate your own talent and achievements, only ever anyone else's! You are wonderful!" I assured him softly, leaning my head onto his as I felt his body losen up abit

"You always know what to say" he whispered

I smiled lightly as he lifted his head from my lap

"Seriously- you make me so happy"

I planted a kiss on his forehead, one that was soon guided onto his lips intensely

"Look at me" he whispered passionately, continuing to pepper my lips in kisses during the pauses in his sentence "it was only two minutes ago I was stood in the doorway pissed off"

"I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda hot" I giggled

"Oh really" he smirked "then maybe I'll be angry more often" he continued mischievously, peppering small kisses along my collarbones

"You know- I know another way to relieve anger other than just cuddling" I chuckled smugly, firing my eyes obviously towards upstairs.

Luke's face lit up, and he swooped me off the couch and carried me bridal style out the lounge, I chuckled at his eagerness, even more so when he bolted upstairs with me in the same position and bumped my head on the doorframe when entering his bedroom in his hungry dispute.

He put me down on the floorboards beneath him, and I lifted his shirt and felt at home when we fell to the bed in passion.

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